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Everything posted by Shade939

  1. You have a one free conversion, and you probably lose all of your FP so you can't abuse the conversion system. @VERTi60?
  2. We also get a chance to rebel as soon as the current rebellion is crushed, so that's going to be fun trying to stamp it out, especially if a game mechanic forces an unexpected player to rebel...
  3. Voe isn't a very high standard to be held to though.
  4. I do have to ask what you're basing your assumptions on? All eighteen of his post is it?
  5. What about if we vote up the King instead? They can't punish themselves can they so it's an effective no lynch?
  6. I've already listed three different reasons why I"m against lynching someone today largely because of the lack of proof directed at them and the damage it should be guaranteed to cause to the Kingdom. Hopefully, you have a bit more proof to go on that the rest of us, with your vote than what you've brought up so far.
  7. Yeah, I'm also going to point out that we still don't have access to the full rule system yet, so the game hasn't even really started yet... So we can't exactly making an informed decision no matter what we do today.
  8. Any idea what the penalty to WIN would be? Because otherwise your most efficient strategy as the King is basically to vote up everyone else in game who you don't know the alignment of...
  9. Hugh, well that simplifies things considerably then.
  10. Yeah, it's not a fun situation to be in as King. The basics would be to avoid giving too much power to any one player including yourself, and trying to establish a certain level of proof before a player was eliminated through the vote. With various of how much proof is needed based on how strong/effective the Rebels are.
  11. To be fair, at least it's the rules forcing him into this position more than anything else.
  12. That also means you'll be giving control of his land to another player, but that part is a bit unavoidable with how the game is set up unless we never plan on voting at all.
  13. Actually, as soon as the current rebels are gone, everyone gets to pick if they want to rebel again and start a new rebellion. And this repeats until no one rebels, and no one is forced to rebel.
  14. Honestly, rebels and royals is probably simplifying the goals of players in this game far too much. A royal player can become a rebel, a rebel can become a royal, it's more important to pay attention to a players actions and look out for your own interest whatever they might be than thinking just because you currently share an alignment with someone that they won't betray you in the future.
  15. Last thing he mentioned was basically we would have a surprise faction. And then we brought up random houses from other works of fiction.
  16. @Jeod, did your get any mention of picking the Hand of the King failing if you selected an independent player?
  17. Yeah, the Lord Commander could be a player already in game, or it might be elected by the Night Watch players or something along those lines.
  18. Also, tutorial phases are good for keeping us on topic aren't they?
  19. Chamber of secrets, Basilisk trying to kill people during the night, possessed diary making a student evil.
  20. On a random note, the second Harry Potter book would make for a pretty easy conversion into a Mafia game.
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