To throw myself into a two vs. one match up if Jeod uses earthquake in the first turn and then die?
And then have to use something like Heracross against a Mewtwo...
Yeah, Mewtwo hits for either 90 or 107 with Psychic vs. Ninetales.
You could take out Mewtwo turn one and ignore Sunny Day, but the you get hit by Lapras using a water attack.
Brigitte should survive till the start of the second turn, but after that Mewtwo should finish her off, while you finish off Mewtwo.
And then it's you vs. Lapras.
I'd at least expect the investigations, to play some part in actually serving to reveal Rocket.
Instead, we're basically looking at all of the investigation results pointing at KY because two of them are supposedly insane, and the other two we only know point to KY because he told us he actually has those two pokemon on his roster...
So, in short, investigations can't be used to find Rocket based on there rosters, but it can reveal a Rocket member if it gives an insane result by outing that a Rocket member went on the investigations?
Yeah, I'm not certain the investigations are supposed to do a game mechanic, other than stalling the game start so everyone has more time to train and shop items before the fighting really begins.