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Everything posted by Shade939

  1. You should at least survive and kill Lapras, assuming you don't miss Thunder on Mewtwo turn one. But Retaliation will be eliminated from the game.
  2. Lapras should still finish you off first turn with a water move though, probably Surf. This is why we needed to take out Mewtwo before the double battle...
  3. That would make more sense, especially considering he's not suffering much of a penalty in this game if he dies during the match itself for attack his teammate.
  4. It'd be more convincing if he opened up with that you know. Instead of stating he's planning on using Earthquake, which only makes sense for his Miltank to have...
  5. Retal would be dead before he could act on the first turn, so it's a 2 vs. 1 in that situation.
  6. Unless Brigitte actually has two Pokemon left so she wouldn't die, I don't think the trade off would be in there favor.
  7. @Jeod, I can make a logical argument why everything you've done so far, including even putting yourself in today's double battle could have been done with the intention of helping Rocket if you and Brigitte are Rocket.
  8. Then come up with better reads. The only decent one you've gone with this entire game is Irish could be Rocket because he hasn't really done anything. And maybe the investigation result on you was wrong because you traded your Voltorb away...
  9. I can argue, that is Brigitte's only rocket ability, so she is the weakest Rocket member in game, so she only get's an investigation result pointing at her and one other Town player.
  10. It's an inherently flawed ability that is built in such a way that can only be used to discover a players most likely pokemon to be sent out if they battle that day.
  11. Brigitte still isn't our scouter by the way... There's not really any scouting you can do when all you can discover is a players highest level pokemon with the most HP.
  12. @Jeod, do you have a reason to think that given the information present that KY isn't the strongest Rocket member in game and would be an Executive, Admin, or whatever other term you'd prefer to use as a result of that? Do you think there are two players in game with the ability to kidnap a pokemon from a Trainer? Do you think it unusual that we have two investigations results pointing at KY instead of two different players?
  13. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ariana You mean, Ariana Silver
  14. No, there isn't... That's literally just flipping the word order around to say the exact same thing...
  15. Also, this was what I actually said in that post you're selectively quoting...
  16. The funny thing is only Rocket would make such a big deal out of such a tiny detail. I can also google characters who are actually Rocket Executives in game, and make an obvious connection, that the Rocket Executive, a term for what should be the strongest Rocket member in game, probably applies to the player with multiple investigation results pointing at him.
  17. Sigh, I'd be tempted to battle myself, but I'd need to heal before I did anything, and my damage isn't as high as it needs to be to support Retaliation as well as other players. ##Trainer Category 5 Hurricane ##Rocket Jeod/Killing_You
  18. He shouldn't be capable of equipping it yet.
  19. Sorry, was thinking Swift, Return would be closer to 85.
  20. That would only hit you for 47 damage you know.
  21. Because it's too obvious! Clearly he needs to throw everyone off by using Dynamic Punch with 50 accuracy!
  22. I guaranteed you he doesn't have any physical moves worth learning, and it only cost a single coin to swap out a move during the night. Which he has several good options he could have replaced Rainy Day with.
  23. Yeah, still a good 70 damage from a neutral type attacks though. Mewtwo is an offensive powerhouse.
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