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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Anyway I think we should consider the possibility that Rockets have to know which pokemon it is to poison it. Since they know I have a Vulpix and Gastly, that would put me at risk if I battle today and lose... so it might be better if I don't. Anyone else with known pokemon might be at risk too.
  2. Still glad to have Gastly back!
  3. Just asked and nope. No VP for Gastly.
  4. He might have if he thought he needed me to finish the battle (which he did)... but I'm still pretty suspicious of you.
  5. I wasn't going to say anything about the heal in case the doctor wanted to be anonymous, but yeah that did happen too. And I just confirmed with Jeod that it revived my Gastly and Vulpix. Pretty sure Dragonite is still down tho sadly.
  6. Apparently not. Jeod just told me I needed to pick a different primary. Maybe you have to lose 3 times in battle to be eliminated.
  7. Someone just nightkilled my Dragonite! 😧
  8. It's okay. I guess it would be asking a lot for you to use 2 super potions on me anyway.
  9. Not saving me kinda makes me not want to but.. Full Heal Gyarados I guess
  10. Dayum thanks for not saving me!
  11. Sorry Irish I don't have any healing items.
  12. Yeah so it would mean one of them might have a cop-proof ID
  13. Do you know what a godfather is?
  14. But Irish was the one that figured it out. It doesn't make any sense for him to help us figure out that he might be a godfather.
  15. Well there's the whole thing with him using Lapras each turn like I said before. But he also kinda resisted my idea that rocket boss being godfather made sense in the story, he didn't reveal that I was his rival even though me and you did and Cat 5 asked everyone else to get it out into the open, and by ganging up on me, he made sure that I have almost nothing left to fight with in my item bag. And I'm sure he was aware of that when he was doing it.
  16. Orange is almost definitely scum imo
  17. Would it change your strategy if i used an x-attack or dire hit on you irish? Or would you still use dragon rage
  18. Yeah but I kinda wanted my gastly to survive because Haunter is my favorite pokemon.
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