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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. If we have a betrayal, it would be kinda obvious what happened wouldn't it?
  2. ##trainer Sunflower I'm not sure who to vote rocket.
  3. I was suggesting maybe FRAYDO, Irish, and Orange are all Team Rocket and it was a ploy to try to avoid Irish/Orange having to battle each other. It's probably not but it just seemed too convenient that we suddenly had a reason for both Irish and Orange just when people wanted them to battle.
  4. I'm not really thinking of it as a thing I have to do no matter what. Its just kinda like when you play the pokemon game. You wanna beat the elite 4 and catch all the pokemon but you alsooo kinda wanna beat that rival on your way there. We're dealing with terrorists here so my first priority is to protect the innocent bystanders (and be the best trainer EVAR). If I get to assert my poke-dominance over Cat 5 along the way, it's just a cherry on top of my sundae.
  5. This all seems too convenient to me. I wonder if a 3 person Rocket team could be workable in a small game like this.
  6. I don't have any other than the ones Jeod listed on the OP.
  7. I guess I should probably say I scouted Orange last night just so he doesn't get confused.
  8. Hmmmm... it sounds like something is gonna happen on Day 7. I wonder what it is.
  9. Nope no message about completing my objective. Don't know any more than you do. Sorry rival Cat 5. Maybe give your pikachu some more candy!
  10. Special roles? I'm confused. lol
  11. I don't know. I just want to battle because it's fun.
  12. Nope. I'm gonna be the very best! Like no one ever was!
  13. I guess I better vote myself rocket if I want to face Cat 5 ... lol ##trainer Cat 5 ##rocket Sunflower
  14. I'm the best trainer ever so I like my chances!
  15. As Fraydo so nicely pointed out in his post, you didn't do that.
  16. You're ignoring 2 important things tho: VPs that Lapras gains are useless - let's say you have a poliwag. If you want to try to level it to poliwhirl or even poliwrath, it'll take a long time. Pretty much the only chance it has to win a battle is in the first few rounds when it might face pokemon like itself. So basically your choice is saying you don't care about leveling up your hypothetical poliwag. Instead you're using a pokemon that can easily take out most other low level pokemon and weakening the trainers. Poor poliwag! That probably means that what you actually want to do is prevent other people from training up their pokemon. For me personally I started the game with all 6 of my pokemon being low level and needing battles or training to evolve. You've already seen dratini and vulpix. That's why I've done so much thinking about how to do it.
  17. If by adequately you mean not at all then yep.
  18. I think it makes sense. The best time to use low level pokemon is the beginning when most players are doing that too. Not only can you train them faster but it's the safest time to use them because once people have evolved pokemon, the base tier pokemon don't really have much of a chance anymore. Using pokemon like Snorlax and Lapras in the beginning makes it seem like you're looking for easy wins instead of trying to evolve your weaker pokemon. And you pick your primary before knowing who you're going to be battling. Sure it's possible that one or both of you aren't scum, but there aren't many good scum hunting techniques in this setup so I'm trying to think outside the box.
  19. I'm currently thinking Orange and Irish are most likely scum. Cause using strong pokemon in initial battles kinda implies they're more interested in taking out other pokemon than raising their own. And we all know how Jessie and James were at raising pokemon...
  20. Fun story. Lapras was my TR pokemon pick and Orange happens to have Lapras... interesting.
  21. I'm probably going to need to cast my votes tonight.
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