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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Btw Retal. I'm not going to switch my vote. You'll have to shoot me if investigating Shade bothers you so much.
  2. Shade saying he thinks Orange or Cat 5 is scum (which means he believes Irish was framed) and then voting to investigate Irish anyway is just yet another reason why he needs to be investigated. What's the big deal if we find out a little information about him that can actually be confirmed by actual facts? Yeesh.
  3. Verti changed his vote to Shade. I might not have the typewriter anymore, but I still have eyes everywhere so mayo noshers should be on alert.
  4. Also like the whole point of a villain in a mafia game is to make people think they're townie. I'm the only person here who admitted their secondary wasn't reform. I think it's obvious we have one or more liars.
  5. Says the guy who wants me to shoot people and cause a civil war after criticizing me for having the audacity to vote for a radical option. lol
  6. In fact, a lot of princes might be very keenly interested in killing the monarch and have been throughout history.
  7. Princes don't rule anything. They just sit around on fancy velvet couches and eat cake while they wait for their parents to die so they can become important. Maybe the monarchy is an NPC.
  8. Well in that case, he is almost certainly NOT the monarch...
  9. Shade's supposed bodyguard and mason buddy could pick either status quo or pluralism. Now Shade's saying he's a king that has to achieve pluralism. That doesn't make any sense at all.
  10. Btw I think the action that apparently turned Irish hostile could have been done as much as 2 nights ago because we had that update about how there was some change in the works. And then yesterday it happened apparently. I still think we should investigate shade because we've literally gone like the whole game without knowing anything about him. No night action, no item, no status, no nothing. And now he's running around saying his objective his pluralism through reform while begging me to shoot people with a gun that drastically lowers stability...
  11. I don't know why Shade is so obsessed with shooting people all of a sudden, especially since shooting the wrong person could mean civil war, but I strongly suggest people consider investigating him.
  12. Anyway I'm done with debating in this game. You guys have shown that it's just a waste of my time. I'll just post my votes and actions for the rest of the way.
  13. Okay fine. I'll spell it out for you. Me doing this is probably going to help the killer understand my thinking so congrats on helping them. According to Irish's description of his two items, we have one that is a passive BP and one that can kill investigated suspicious players but drastically lowers stability if they are non-scum. We also have Jeod/Verti's claim that he is a doctor. And like Shade also mentioned something vague and ambiguous about maybe having a protection ability earlier in the game. We also have Retaliation's roleblock, that he may or may not use. If he uses it, he'd have to sacrifice his vote if he wants to pick up the remaining item. That means there's potentially four obstacles to a night kill on the board, and the killer has no idea who might or might not be protected. Jeod always used his supposed protection ability on himself, but now Verti is playing so who knows if he might use it on himself, someone else, or no one. If the killer knows which item I picked up, they'll also know whether or not I'm killable. They might think killing me would be the best option but they have to risk maybe failing if I picked up the medkit. If they know if I have it or not, suddenly they'll either know that I can or can't be killed and will modify their plan based on that. They also have to wonder for future rounds. If I picked up the medkit, I could pass it tonight and whoever gets it will have a secret BP as long as they don't reveal that I passed. I could also keep it and the killer won't know whether I passed it or kept it or whether I didn't have it at all. That means there's a fairly decent chance of the killer picking the wrong option and failing to kill anyone. I'm not going to explain the rest because that would just be helping the killer way too much.
  14. As if I needed to be reminded that I might have that option?
  15. Is this the Ausgleich or the US Congress? I can't tell. Pretty disappointed that no one is willing to cross the aisle to try to prevent more deaths tonight.
  16. I'm not sure how it could be KY because when people die it seems like we get to see all their abilities and he didn't have any "identity theft" things.
  17. Can never have too much confusion when killers are concerned. All of the confoozles will be had.
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