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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. then again I guess Jeod confirmed at least 2 of Orange's weird stories. I forgot about that.
  2. A couple thoughtsies and stuff since we probably won't learn much more until Cat 5 logs on tonight. 1) Nobody died again last night. Awesome! But what does it mean? Is it b/c Jeod was roleblocked? Is it b/c Irish was in jail? Or did someone else just decide not to kill anyone? 2) "That said, some things will be changing in high-command tonight." That sounds kinda ominous! 3) Some stuff I'm wondering about Mr. Orange. The two nights someone died are still the 2 nights he did weird stuff (voted twice and Cat 5 said he was wrong the other time - plus he said Irish tried to killed someone and that doesn't seem like it happened either). I'm still wondering why an innocent Austrian is so gungho pluralist too while our other two claimed pluralists are Romanians... I mean I'm Bohemian and status quo but at least I started suspicious. Plus, whhhyyy does an innocent character have a red action?
  3. Well I'm def. glad to see nobody got killed last night. I think it's best if I don't say what I took from the vault, just to keep scum on their toes.
  4. Irish, would you mind explaining to me what the medkit does again so I can decide which thing I want? And what a fine Hungarian specimen this Daniel Szabo is!
  5. Now we just get updates about how there's no news articles anymore. RIP Sunflower's newspaper. RIP news.
  6. Oh yeah and I wrote newspaper articles the first two nights. lol. It didn't cost PP.
  7. N1: soft status quo / donate jeod N2: soft status quo / donate fraydo N3: radical status quo / nothing because of santa strike N4: sunbathing in jail N5: soft status quo / donate irish
  8. Here's something I've been wondering Cat 5. Not sure why I didn't think to ask before. Have you had your identity stolen for the entire game? Or did it happen to you at some point?
  9. OMG. For the 5000th time, I claimed "status quo by any means necessary." That means both war or reform are fine.
  10. I'm leaning toward investigating Cat 5 because he's been making some strange choices with his research... but then again he still seems kind of genuine and I can kinda see why he made some of those choices. The "stupid head" comment sounded pretty genuine too. lol That said, we all know that I'm super suspicious of Jeod... but since he's supposedly my teammate, I'm a little hesitant to investigate him. I might change my mind in exchange for vault access. :P
  11. Hmmm... it'd be great if he had told us who he researched N5...
  12. You know, now that I think about it, there could be a good argument that Jeod is in a team with either Snipe or KY. With Snipe he had the whole benedict arnold deal that set me off on Santa's crusade and with KY they had the whole confirming each other thing. Not to mention that being investigated early gives him good cover to kill people each night.
  13. So which one do we think would have 2 players... the syndicalists or the national populists? Or do they both have 2? Or is there a totally different faction we don't know about?
  14. I dunno. Irish has demonstrated some pretty keen logic so far today. I'd trust his instincts.
  15. Yeah, I think the only way it could be Jeod is if they're both National Populists and in a doc/masonry together because they did the whole "what's the name of my action" thingeroo.
  16. It's interesting that KY was still suspicious when we investigated him last night. Does that mean he didn't kill FRAYDO/Snipe?
  17. Hoo boy my PP donation came in handy for once! ##investigate Cat 5
  18. It does seem pretty convenient that we have 2 deaths and on one of those nights, Orange didn't investigate anyone and on the other night, he got a result that Cat 5 said was wrong.
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