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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Yeah its OP esp if we get to see what my move does.
  2. RIP Dratini literally the only pokemon that would be a problem. #move 3
  3. Oh btw does Dratini have shed skin?
  4. I mean I'd like to think we wouldn't have to worry about people on this forum pulling cheap tricks like what you guys are describing. >.> I don't mind whatever Jeod decides but just wanted to throw that out there.
  5. Just fyi I'm going to be out of town all day tomorrow (won't be home until evening at the earliest) so I definitely need to finish up the battle tonight.
  6. YIKES well ummmm no need to worry Dratini! We... uhhh... got this! maybe Use MOVE 2!
  7. Just to clarify the first move on the left on the chart is 1 and the last on the right is 4?
  8. Gastly?! You've gotta be kidding!
  9. Doesn't matter to me. I'm going to be the best pokemon trainer ever so anyone!
  10. If ya wanna battle me, ya gotta live on the wild side!
  11. Nooo I'm not giving you any hints about who my pokemon is you cheaterrrr.
  12. I'll battle aannyyone. IDC who. Shade, Irish, Cat 5 (grr), Orange, FRAYDO, KY. My love and candy conquers al!
  13. Probably? There's lots of cheaters out there, but I'm not one of em.
  14. I wouldn't cheat that's for sure.
  15. I have the secret ingredients. LOVE AND CANDY.
  16. Naaahhh fishing rods are boring.
  17. Well of course I'm going to be the VERY BEST POKEMON TRAINER EVER so I don't mind battling either.
  18. Does it make a difference who gets voted trainer vs rocket for the battles?
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