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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. I don't have any updates other than laying on the floor sucks. My current primary is keeping me company!
  2. But I need to go buy food and some other essentials for the night so gonna do that now.
  3. Yeah I brought up my router and stuff too lol
  4. Also I had like a major snafoo with my move and had to stay another day but all I have is a blanket to lay on the floor and my laptop... so here I am.
  5. Yeah you would have had your move and I might have been able to save you with fire spin the next turn.
  6. Dayum... we might have won if he survived one more round!
  7. I should have used fire spin on Seel when i did confuse. It was my bad.
  8. Omg I was hoping quick attack would do something good
  9. If my confuse rays weren't so unlucky it might be going better.
  10. If not I will use move 1 on Seel. Actually I kinda want to do that anyway if I can.
  11. Oh Fire Spin on Seel then. Thanks.
  12. Apparently Seel is not an ice pokemon like I thought. Well that's nice. Confuse Ray on Seel
  13. I told you guys I didn't want to battle because I'm really busy with moving and now I'm wasting like an hour that's gonna make me need to stay up late tonight. So don't be surprised if I'm not open to votes to help you out later on this game.
  14. Just gonna throw out there that I don't appreciate nerfing my moves midbattle!
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