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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. You had me really confused for a second there.
  2. Everyone wants us to battle for some reason Vulpix. *shrug* Let's do this! ##Move 2 on Snorlax!
  3. I'm actually not because I didn't want to battle you yet.
  4. Wellll unless someone scouted an evolved pokemon last night. I scouted Cat 5 but the pokemon I saw wasn't an evolved one. That doesn't really mean much tho because he still has 5 other ones. lol
  5. I'm not sure. I don't really think anyone is a better choice than anyone else, including me. Just because we're rivals doesn't mean we're going to learn anything from the battle. We find out one of the pokemon people have and whoever loses, has a pokemon faint. But they aren't out of the game so its not like we're going to have scum reveals unless someone's dumb enough to put their evolved pokemon as their main this early in the game. I kiiiinda doubt that so I think pretty much anyone could battle - except FRAYDO because that would be kinda mean.
  6. I'd actually rather not battle tomorrow because I might be moving (it could also happen Friday). If people want to vote for me thats fine, but I might have to try to get online later at night or something.
  7. I was mostly just assuming you had a rivalry with me too so you'd know what the grr meant.
  8. lol No I don't hate you Cat 5! And yes it's a secondary fraydo.
  9. Well I'm def. sooper interested to know if Cat 5 knows about our rivalry now.
  10. Oh darn I just had a good idea but it's probably too late to do it now.
  11. Besides there's not exactly a lot of the usual scum hunting techniques in this game. Or at least I haven't seen them. I have just one thing but it doesn't really give me a good idea if they're scum or not. So in my book, I just go around and try to win as many battles as I can and be the best pokemon trainer evar and hopefully knock off scum along the way.
  12. It's a secondary like Irish said. And I didn't exactly go out of my way to fight cat 5 yesterday now did I? I was mostly speaking up to reassure everyone that rivals are a thing cause it seemed like you were gonna try to say they aren't. But maybe I should have let you.
  13. Shade seems surprised by the Irish rival thing tho which is interesting.
  14. Nooope. I growled at someone the other day. You didn't notice I see.
  15. My grrs speak louder than words!
  16. I have a rival too. I already gave a hint about it.
  17. WHEW! I got so lucky there. Sorry Fraydo!
  18. OMG I am so lucky. ##dragon rage
  19. I'm just saying dragon rage and night shade are pretty much the same thing but mine only does 10 dmg because I'm dratini - whereas nightshade does 25+ for gastly onward.
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