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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. I guess another alternative is that the action fraydo saw him use didn't cost PP. My typewriter didn't cost any PP for example but that was an item.
  2. Here's the thing. For Cat 5 to be able to kill BOTH snipe and fraydo, he would either need more than 2 PP, be able to kill for 0 PP, or Orange/FRAYDO would have had to be lying about what he did the night when snipe was killed. Because Orange said he knew Cat 5's vote (though Cat 5 said he knew wrongly) and FRAYDO said he saw Cat 5 do an action on someone.
  3. When I nominated FRAYDO on d2, Shade jumped in pretty quick to vote for him too. It might just be coincidence but it's a least a tiny piece of info to support the fraydo white knight theory.
  4. I'm just catching up on everything but just in case anyone is thinking I somehow killed FRAYDO from my jail cell... ##nominate Sunflower
  5. Nice, now I don't have to worry about this game for the next 24 hours.
  6. Nope, I'm expressing my decision to not save myself so that when I'm investigated and found to not be hostile, it will sink in that much deeper.
  7. I already explained my thoughts on who the killers might be in that long post that nobody read.
  8. I could break the tie but I'm not going to. If Ausgleich members are more interested in playing politics than finding the killer, that's their problem not mine.
  9. Also just gonna throw this out to whoever might secretly like me in this game. I would like an item. If you have one that you don't want, please pass it to me at some point - doesn't have to be tonight. Thanks.
  10. To answer FRAYDO's question, I wouldn't be able to distribute my gifts because I'm suspicious. The reason I'm suspicious is because I'm a Bohemian businessman that doesn't actually give a hoot about ordinary Bohemian desires because the empire is making me some SWEET DOUGH and I would like that dough to continue by any means necessary KTHX. My comment on the vote chart: I don't believe half the people here for a second about how they claimed to vote.
  11. Personally I'm most suspicious of Jeod but if KY wants to investigate Shade, I'm up for that too since he's on my 3-4 person list of possible killers too.
  12. Well anyway, you can investigate me but you can't get rid of me because I'm not hostile. If someone would like they can frame me, but they haven't done it yet, so you'll just have to keep investigating me until that happens.
  13. And that's why you voted radical status quo the first night right?
  14. Right. If you're a status quo player, I hope you have fun watching pluralists trample all over you then.
  15. I did what I had to do to push us toward a status quo victory. Pluralism voters apparently had a status quo traitor working with them and they had the soft people on their side. If I wanted status quo to win the vote, I needed the radicals to support me. There was literally no other logical option than to just be totally content with losing the game.
  16. My alternative was to sit here and watch Jeod throw the game for the next 2 weeks. *shrug*
  17. Okay let's think for a moment. Would a person who donate PP to player and has a typewriter that posts newspaper articles also have a nightkill?
  18. Which is also something we can do with any of the players I mentioned that can't prove anything tomorrow lmao
  19. And I've already explained how I can prove what my ability is. And in addition to that, we know what my item was because Retal stole it.
  20. Although, the way you guys are treating me, I'm not really feeling like putting any more effort into helping you find the killer. I've already done more than my part.
  21. OH that finally explains it. Now I understand. So basically we know FRAYDO did one thing but we don't know what the other thing he did was.
  22. Alright, then I suppose FRAYDO isn't as urgently suspicious as Jeod, Shade, and Irish.
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