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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Ask Retal. :P And I'm not talking about the typewriter. Santa Claus is my role.
  2. Santa Claus is going on boycott. No more presents for the little boys and girls.
  3. Well I don't have it anymore. So I guess you'll just have to get your entertainment somewhere else.
  4. Also, y'all didn't even care about the article yesterday (or today) until now where you are suddenly pretending to care. That's why I tried to pass it off because it wasn't any fun when no one even acknowledges it.
  5. They are the same though. Abolishment is abolishment. Syndie is just a name. It says right in the rules that abolishment is one of the things people can have. It doesn't matter if they abolish it to seize the means of production or to create the Theocratic Republic of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  6. Btw Retal. Santa Claus just put you on the naughty list.
  7. Three reasons in no particular order. 1) I wanted to see how people would react (I even brought this up as the reason why I nominated FRAYDO yesterday because he was like the only person who was even remotely concerned about them). 2) I was hoping to give us a reason to unite around strengthening the military rather than having faction clashes on politics - on the first day, I thought that politics would be status quo vs pluralism and economic/military would be other things. You can go back and check if you like. 3) It made me laugh.
  8. Ugh Retal. You just can't let me have a little fun can you? :P Yes, I had the typewriter, and yes I tried to pass it and used it at the same time. I actually just wanted to pass it at first, but then Nodlied told me that I could use it if I wanted to so informed the world about our glorious eating habits. I'm clearly the abolishionist. Who else would expose mayo noshing for all to see?
  9. Fiiine take your walky talky if you want it so badly. The only condition attached to my vote is that you don't accept any deals and vote however you want. If you do accept a deal, I'll use my other PP to withdraw my vote. ##nominate Jeod
  10. I honestly have no clue what you're going on about with how you've been treated.
  11. Am I the only one that thinks ILtS's ability sounds pretty creepy?
  12. Maybe some of them don't want you to cooperate though. :P
  13. You can if you want, but personally, keeping Orange in the dark about the mystery item he wants to know about so bad is making me giggle.
  14. So I didn't actually know it was stolen until he told me lol.
  15. The ironic thing is I was trying to pass it to someone last night (but Retal wasn't that person).
  16. You can have it if you want. Or if you want to give it back to me, you can do that too. It's no big deal to me really.
  17. We still have like 2 days to hash it all out. But like it's not 100% that everyone voted exactly the same as the night before.
  18. ##investigate Retaliation You're right. Anyone who wants a walky talky is suspicious.
  19. I pretty much agree with most of the things he's said so far, so I feel comfortable nominating him. Plus I liked his out of the box thinking about the walky talky and how we might need to be wary of syndies. That tells me he's actually concerned about them which isn't something I'm seeing from a lot of other players.
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