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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. What did he mean by safe lynch? Just a vanilla role? (I guess it doesn't matter now since he died).
  2. Just a little tangent but for some reason I kept thinking Mojo couldn't be scum because of last game when he said he wanted to knock off the people who said he might have been bussing Shade. So I kept wondering to myself if he was scum if he would've just NKed me on d1 lol.
  3. My role doesn't have a title. I just thought of it as cop because that's what it does. So the "cop" part is just what I called it. I investigate a player each night to find out their alignment. I have no idea why I said role cop in my post. I said that before when Orange pointed it out. I guess I was just excited that I found a town scum and felt like I needed a qualifier because saying "cop" as mafia felt weird? That's why I turned it around and called it enforcer too. Orange killing Mojo is an obviously scum move though. He knew darn well that he could have gotten info on Jeod's alternative theory if he killed either me or Shade and that if he killed me, it could have shed light on whether I'm lying. He didn't do that and picked the player that Jeod suspected was the "useful idiot" instead.
  4. Besides I'm probably going to get night killed anyway unless the scum decide there's some reason to keep me around to frame me.
  5. I would have told you to kill me if you had waited. lol
  6. Not exactly profound reasoning for a day 3 action. :P
  7. Interesting that you didn't shoot me. Don't want people to know that I'm loyal mafia?
  8. I guess one thing that makes me think it's not Irish is like if I were Orange and Irish was my scumbuddy and I was forced to say I would support lynching him if he stayed inactive, I'd be on his case in the doc to start making some posts already. But I have no idea what Irish's situation is.
  9. I don't have any extra info so it's just my thoughts on stuff that's gone on, but my gut is leaning toward either Irish or Jeod. Irish because of the thing you caught and how Orange was initially wary of lynching him unless he stayed inactive for a long time. Jeod because of when he called you a dumbass for wondering if Orange was scum and I feel like he's tried to protect Orange a few times. I guess Mojo is possible too. I'd have to think more on that one. I'm pretty sure it's not you because of how much you wanted to lynch Orange before. And I don't really think it's Cat 5 because he mentioned liking your theory on Orange and he mentioned Orange in his most recent analysis post too.
  10. I didn't really want to let anything on to the scum team for fear they would've night killed me. There wasn't really much for me to go on with Fraydo other than my cop result on him. But I did say that I didn't have anything to say about him "at this time" which was intentional. lol Btw I've never been a cop before. Did I pick a good time for the reveal? I was doing the thinking in my head and I didn't want to reveal the first day, but I figured if I waited until day 4, the chances were too high that I'd get killed and never get to tell anyone my results. And besides I got a scum result.
  11. Like why would I lie about this? No one really suspected me before and now if I was lying, everyone will suspect me. It would be really dumb.
  12. lol. I guess I did say that. I don't know why I said that. But it was a mistake and you a scum.
  13. Yeah I know I might be a goner tonight but finding a scum is big news! Hopefully you guys can find the last person without me if it comes to that.
  14. I have an announcement to make. I'm a role cop. Well more like an enforcer since it's a mafia game. I've been making the rounds, talking, bustin caps. I was hoping to make a big reveal with two alignments today but unfortunately the first person I investigated was FRAYDO. But the second person I investigated was Orange and he is TOWN SCUM. ##vote Orange
  15. Mostly but also his d1 vote was one of the ones that helped Shade and FRAYDO on d1 in Cat 5's chart. And since it was the second one, it could have also been an attempt to start a train on you. Then again Mojo's vote helped Shade too so that makes two times in a row that Shade or Mojo cast a vote that helped each other in some way...
  16. This is just what I'm feeling right now but I might change my mind later. ##vote Nodlied
  17. My thoughts on various people Shade: His d1 interrogations were interesting. I could see that being a non-scum strategy with the twist set up to try to catch a scum player offguard. OTOH, it might also be something a scum player would try because even non-scum players can make slip ups. And actually there's been a lot of times in past games where we all ganged up on someone for fumbling with their words and ended up being wrong. So it could have been a way for a scum player to try to get an easy mislynch. He did also vote nolynch though, and that's usually a non-scum thing to do. Nodlied: Might have been rolefishing when he asked for reports after most people seemed to agree that we need to keep those secret. Might have been an innocent mistake, but maybe not. If Cat 5 didn't respond so soon, someone might have answered his question. Cat 5: Generally being his usual inquisitive and helpful self. Maybe a little more helpful than usual and looking for attention, but things like his reaction to Nodlied and how it might have prevented a power role from revealing themselves gives him some non-scum points in my book. Jeod: It's always hard for me to read him because he lies even when he's not scum, and he's done that again this round. He was strongly opposed to nolynch on d1 for some reason. He has been pretty helpful though and seems mostly harmless. One thing I did notice is he reacted pretty strongly to defend Orange from Shade. Mojoman: He's been trying to get people voted up and didn't like the nolynch. RNG is kind of his schtick, but at the same time, it's something that would be pretty helpful if he was scum. Irish: Being quiet is weird for him. Maybe between the reaction to reports after the marvel game and reports being frowned upon in this game, he got gunshy about his charts or something. Still he's usually pretty active, so I dunno what to make of him being quiet. It's something to think on anyway. FRAYDO: Kinda quiet too. Not much to say about him at this time. Orange: Something feels off about him, but I'm not sure why. I'm also getting tired from doing all that analysis lol. *shrug* Sunflower: I am a flower with a cigar in it's mouth.
  18. I'm not really very suspicious of Jeod right now either, but I do feel like something with Jeod/Shade is worth mentioning. Them bickering is almost like a meme at this point and it'd be really weird if they didn't. So I feel like if they ever do end up as a scum team, they'd probably try to continue that dynamic. That makes me kinda hesitant to assume they aren't a pair just because they're bickering in pretty much any mafia game.
  19. So I guess if we're going to try to find the townies without relying on reports, we should be analyzing the way people vote, the things they say (like the Orange thing just now), and just general feel? Anything else we can do to try to narrow it down?
  20. Cat 5 wanting everyone to know he was confused kinda surprised me and caught my attention, but it was kind of a neat twist. I was wondering if Shade was trying to cover for him when Chop asked him if he was scum at first... but there's been so many examples of possible covering, it's hard to keep track! Just gonna go with #vote nolynch because it worked for us last time.
  21. My character is a manly man. I drink manly things like Jim Beam, not sissy margaritas. And I like to bust caps.
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