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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. It'd be cool if everyone on the council was actually talking.
  2. Well alright. It's dexterity (what else would Aayla Secura be? :P).
  3. I've been keeping my combat skill secret so people can't plan duels against me, but I'm a wisdom character like you.
  4. Oh and also used my lekku that failed like I mentioned before.
  5. I learned another t2 ability and used a night force action. I don't really have anything helpful to share from it.
  6. Yeah I totally forgot about that and just wanted to talk to you because I'm stressed out lol. But in hindsight, it was a good idea to confirm you weren't just blocking force powers.
  7. I think I can confirm Orange is telling the truth about hibernation trance. I tried to start a lekku doc with him and failed. So not only do force actions like Chop's mind meld fail, but special actions like my lekku fail too.
  8. Not the YOUNGLINGS. OMG what have we done.
  9. ##vote Champion ChopBam ##vote Sith Irish
  10. I guess Nodlied got a light result on Retal too. And I'm pretty sure it happened when Retal was resting just like with me.
  11. Is there any reason why I should suspect Retal? Because if not I don't see how Fraydo's killer could be anyone other than Chop or Irish. ...I mean I guess it could be Jeod but that would be one scary force ghost.
  12. Btw, since Orange said he was going to use hibernation trance, that means that Chop actively chose to use mind meld on someone that he knew it was going to fail on. I guess the only thing that could do is confirm that Orange used it? It's still weird.
  13. Well how could Orange or Voe have killed Fraydo? Chop, who you think is town, says that his mind meld failed on Orange. So that suggests that Orange used hibernation trance and he only used 10 FP. Voe used 90 FP and he didn't learn a t3 ability before. How could he use 90 FP and kill Fraydo?
  14. Oh wait. The Light Meditation is an ability you gain that you can use at any time? If so, and assuming Fraydo used it, that means we have a full night kill on our hands.
  15. Is it possible that Fraydo was a sith (therefore not having light meditation) and that he was killed by his own partner for some reason? I'm so confused.
  16. Why did Fraydo not use his light meditation? That makes no sense. I remember him saying something like he was told he wasn't allowed to rest or something.
  17. Well I guess being the person that told us about Light Meditation from the first duel might be something in Irish's favor. Would sith players even get a light meditation from a duel? I'm not sure.
  18. Is the light meditation the same thing as the one time use super rest?
  19. I mean I'm not 100% that Voe is a Jedi, but I'm just pretty sure that he couldn't have killed Fraydo based on the 90 FP he used.
  20. I'm not sure about this Orange champion idea.
  21. Oh nvm that. It failed. But I still feel confident about what I said above it.
  22. OH WAIT. Didn't someone say before that mind meld gave the results to BOTH PLAYERS?
  23. Personally, I think there's only 3 possibilities for who killed Fraydo. Chop, Retal, or Irish. I don't really think Retal did it just because he's proved to be pretty honest (the +10 FP stories and force ghosts, etc). For me that means either it was Irish using a duel bonus or it was Chop using a t2 power to do damage at night to a weakened player. He could have pretty easily deduced that Orange used hibernation trance by seeing that Orange only used 10 FP last night and that Orange already learned all his t1 abilities. Going out on a limb to claim to mind meld with Orange wouldn't have been a big risk for him. It was definitely not Voe because he wouldn't have any way to use a t3 power last night that I know of. He pretty much had to have used learn. I mean I guess he could learn t3 and then use it? But that would mean sith can use t3 abilities for no FP and that is just utterly stupid. And I don't think it was Orange because Orange doesn't read sith to me and he only used 10 FP. If Sith had abilities to do damage before using t1 skills, I think they would've done it already. And it wasn't me because I was resting.
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