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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Ugh. I don't really have any good arguments against anyone. I guess I'll just stop talking.
  2. I mean I'd argue that it is a roleblocker because I couldn't do anything last turn...
  3. I do have that ability that lets me have a 50% chance to resist dark powers and I was using it. So in that case, my turn would probably come first before a sith turn.
  4. I kinda wonder about what decides the order of actions too. Like when Irish stole my FP, I was allowed to still do my 40 FP worth of actions. If he went first, I would have lost 110 instead of 70.
  5. It might be important that Fraydo only had 13 hp too. Like it could have been a fullout kill or maybe it was something like "do 20 damage <character>" The second one wouldn't probably cost as much FP.
  6. When I was communicating with Nodlied last turn, he was a little suspicious of Chop after Chop said that anyone can use a cop action. He wondered if the reason Chop knew that is because he's a sith and used mind meld. He was also suspicious of Voe because Voe hadn't confirmed whether he removed his Fear until now. Just thought I should air some of Tichal's concerns to honor his legacy.
  7. @Irish- technically my telepathy comes from my lekku that twi'leks can use to communicate with gestures. I just call it telepathy because that seems like pretty much what it is. It just means I can do holodocs without needing to use a holodoc action.
  8. I think Irish could be a suspect for Fraydo's death too, using some unknown duel bonus. I don't have much else to say right now, but RIP Rayd. Hopefully you're one with the force with Master Luminara.
  9. I just want to point out since Irish never mentions it. Nodlied also got a light result on me and he did it when I was resting, so I couldn't have used any abilities to resist his senses or whatever. I couldn't have used a 30 pt ability because I used 40 total points and the only possible way I could have done that is to learn t2 and use a 10 point ability (which was resist dark side like I said).
  10. RIP Tichal. Things are starting to feel pretty dire for team jedi and especially our plumbing.
  11. I thought I remembered someone saying the sense wasn't 100% accurate, but I might be misremembering. It makes sense that someone could cloak though. I mean I have an ability that resists dark powers (50% chance of success). I used it last night btw. I won't be using anything tonight for obvious reasons. So it only makes sense that sith might have a similar "resist light actions" or obscure or whatever. I mean just look at the emperor in the prequels lol. He was literally standing right next to Yoda.
  12. Oh nvm. He said he got the force +10. But yikes, that's a pretty ridiculous racial bonus if so.
  13. Oh wow. I just realized... Irish *has* to be lying. Sense Force should have cost 10 FP right? And T3 costs 90, and even Irish said himself that he didn't want to have 0 FP. If that were true, he should have 70 FP, the amount that he ate from my sunflower seeds. But he has 80...
  14. Like literally last Council meeting, Irish was suspicious of Fraydo because he voted me and Orange to duel, saying we were very likely town. And now he's ravenously chewing on sunflower seeds without my consent? It just doesn't add up for me.
  15. Thanks. Well perusing the jedi archives, it looks like Stennes shifters do have a history of force eating. But whether or not the ability is as powerful as Irish claims, I dunno. Either way, I still find his explanation for why he used it pretty fishy.
  16. Are we allowed to look up background information on wookiepedia for races and things?
  17. By the way, if Nodlied is dark, he might mention that I got in touch with him telepathically this turn. My intention was to tell him I could use an ability I learned to give him FP so he could keep sensing alignments without needing to rest. It's ironic because I couldn't do it since I have no FP now. You can also go back and see my post about how I was upset that I was actually going to be useful for once. That's what I was talking about.
  18. Well I guess there is one possibility, and that would be me. So feel free to vote that way if you think so.
  19. Someone had to corrupt Orange right? Since we don't think Jeod could have done it twice? Since Irish is saying that he ate my force, that makes me more confident that Chop rested. Orange is clear. Retal is clear. Voe didn't do anything. There isn't really anyone else that could have corrupted Orange.
  20. Although if Irish is telling the truth, it could be that Nodlied and Chop are partners. His story doesn't really add up for me though.
  21. I feel like Irish is trying to prevent a Nodlied/Irish matchup, and that's making me more confident they are partners. ##vote Champion Nodlied.
  22. I mean I just spend most of the last few hours trying to convince people that Nodlied was a Sith, so I'm not sure why I would most likely be his partner.
  23. You can actually. Or at least I have. I can communicate telepathically with people as a twilek and have done while doing force actions.
  24. Ewww you ate my force? That's so icky! I'm a little confused by your story. You say you got a dark result on Nodlied and decided to eat my force because of it but wouldn't you have had to decide to eat my force before sensing Nodlied?
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