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Everything posted by JackoDerp

  1. I don't understand why you find that so hard to comprehend. Evading getting killed by me is like outrunning a kid in a Wheelchair, you can brag about it but nobody really cares. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Of all the weird ways I've seen TibDawn players try to tweak Chem Warriors to make them useful, this is a turn I did not expect! Looking forward to it though.
  3. I don't think we were ever going to find the Airfield this game
  4. Well, at least I can enjoy the fact my ever-abysmal record of any strategy game involving Naval Combat remains the same.
  5. I just wanna see the full map now and then forget this ever happened.
  6. In my defense Shade was actually scum. So I did something right 😛
  7. Yeah I realised that literally the moment I posted it. Having literally nothing else to talk about didn't help much.
  8. That went about as well as all of the other scumteams I've been on. Im too stupid to play this game sometimes.
  9. I did not fire last night as my night 1 action led me to believe the Sub Pen would use its ability to cop check me, and also because I have limited shots.
  10. I don't think Cat5 is the right vote here considering the lack of information we actually have. ##vote shade939 Only solid read I actually got.
  11. It was day 1, and we had fuck-all information. Only wagons at the time were Voe and Orange, though I had a vote on Shade (who I still find dodgy at best tbh) Orange I felt was Town at the time (and as far as I know have confirmed that by my shot today) Voe I was unsure about but figured since he was actually active I could leave him until a later date to analyse, and right now he isn't particularly scummy to me. Since I didn't want to lynch either one of those two the wagon on Irish was a slightly better option just because they'd never posted anything.
  12. Oh true, this doesn't completely clear Voe I suppose, though I find it unlikely he'd be the one moving people.
  13. Voe has already proven he has a shot, so I find it unlikely he'd be the one performing the shifts. I'm also pretty sure this teleporting ability is not Soviet-controlled, simply because that would make no sense.
  14. How near would you have to be to someone to be informed that they moved though? That's the part im tripping up on here.
  15. Regardless of who actually hit that location, its probably best not to claim you took the hit, else it might give away what is actually there. If a Submarine was hit just submerge tonight.
  16. So we have confirmation that there is some kind of teleporter on the field....... wonderful. Considering that Voe is the only one reporting to be moved, and nobody else was in his old location, its probably teleporting a player to a random location.
  17. This was posted on the back of Voe shooting A3, which revealed his location as being in Q1 His most recent shot revealed him in Q4 I think he's telling the truth
  18. So wait, someone Teleported Voe? Is this related to what Cat5 posted or something else entirely?
  19. I didn't want to be trigger happy because I wanted to have more players check in and get more information before deciding what to do. I was never against proving Orange by shooting him but I didn't want to reveal anything about me in case something else came up during the night phase that we didn't know yet.
  20. Pretty much. At the end of the day if I just sit here and resist its just going to invite more pressure which im not in the mood for dealing with right now.
  21. It's the middle of the day for me. I was planning on waiting but Jeod forced my hand a little.
  22. I wanted to wait for day to progress further before showing I had a shot
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