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Everything posted by Louis

  1. I tracked you because you were an unknown variable to me and with FRAYDO's report I didn't have a thought to track Orange but he's the only unknown person that I don't know
  2. Well first off I didn't know that Cat5 didnt have a night ability of his own and I don't lie
  3. But I know for a fact that Cat5 didnt do anything last night and the variable here for me is Orange ##vote Orange
  4. I know Cat5 will already have choosen me to Lynch, he has FRAYDO's report and I'm the u known variable also it will be up to him to believe the abilities that I have. But my suggestion is that if he uses scramble he highly has a chance to win
  5. Nope I don't really have one, I've been honest about what I am I've always been on town team but if this is my reward then so be it
  6. I am not scum, and I haven't been given any advice from scum, and do not have an alternative motive
  7. I have a long day today so I'll try to be on before hammer
  8. I've already explained why you didn't see me and what about Orange's cop report, I've never visited FRAYDO, only Mojo, Retal, and you
  9. Is it true tho that you didn't visit anyone last night?
  10. I don't think Jeod gave me any info about what you did the previous night but I'll ask
  11. Yes but I can't be night killed Shush, I'm currently watching Naruto so I choose a character from there
  12. I'm Hinita Huga, I have a day action that let's me disable a players day ability permanently called Gentle Fist, on time use I have a night ability that let's me see what a player did the previous night and the current called Byakugan Sight Then I have a passive that let's me know I'm being visited and blocks any harmful actions towards me called Byakugan Vision That is what I am
  13. Sorry, scum doesn't know who anyone is
  14. Yes true but doesn't know who anyone is
  15. Going off that note, how would you explain how I know what Retaliation did night1 and 2
  16. Yes because im a stickler for dramatics and I like to get people attention
  17. Well first off having to prove to both men that I'm town is kind of funny, because I took down mojo the second day and what do I gain from Mojo's death. Absolutely nothing, I have given all true claims the best to my knowledge
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