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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Wait what about you, I know you've been helpful but what has you cleared of being scum or TP
  2. No offense @Category 5 Hurricane but was that a one time use?
  3. @Jeod I'm dying of waiting for these actions to go thru
  4. Hehe if you know where that's from you know who I am
  5. Yeah I can ##Gentle Fist Category 5 Hurricane
  6. A cop and a tracker to visit him....?
  7. Yes that's why I'm a little skeptical of visiting him
  8. So I'll be fine checking him tonight then
  9. I'm not calling for that if I die then I die, I'm ready for a chance like that, but didn't Cat5 say that he had a probability to kill someone if they visited him?
  10. Yes but KY hasn't said anything cocky about being lynched so I doubt he has a Lynch proof ability
  11. I was only looking if someone had a day kill mostly so I would prevent that happening if they should ever target me or if they were a threat
  12. Oh none.. I think... I just haven't used it
  13. Ohh I get it now, it didn't specify, only says day actions except voting
  14. I honestly am I a bit dumb and don't know how to answer that question, it's just my day ability that let's me do it I don't need to get another ability for it
  15. Yes but unlike them my day ability is permanent which theirs are only temporary
  16. I have a day ability that let's me disable and disarm a players day ability permanently if things get worse
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