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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Big nerds, haha I wish I was killed by scum so I didn't have to see that
  2. That's not really that fair but if Jeod says so
  3. Is the question how we are going to use it?
  4. So scramble can be used more than once?
  5. He's just confident that he isn't going to be lynched today
  6. I don't think Cat5 is Lynch proof I think he was saying that yesterday he was
  7. Aren't we forgetting something here that happened the day before: As you recall, Cat5 used his day ability, knowing that KY was going to be lynched, to prevent himself from being lynched. He could have saved that for today, so why did he prematurely use is? Was it so he could set up a three way we currently have with an additional kill. Because I think the kill on Shade was unnecessary.
  8. Haha it's like that one time in Endgame at Mylo where Jeod forgot to tell me that I had the power stone until after I was killed and would've won the game with, but yes I told you from the beginning that this is my first game in a long hot minute and I wanted to pay more attention to this and I have gotten better because I have abilities that can help town win.
  9. Um I was just informed this about 2 seconds ago, I thought that Cat5 would know I visited him and that's why I specifically choose him so he could confirm me, if I had known that out sooner, I would've just went with my original idea of checking out what FRAYDO was up to
  10. My ability which is Sight does not require me to visit someone to be able to do my action
  11. But he won't be able to confirm that I visited him which is a shame btw
  12. All I know is that Cat5 didnt visit anyone and he can confirm that
  13. Well I've just been informed something that I didn't know, I have a sight so I see where people go but it is not a tracker ability so Cat5 won't know that I did visit him or not, poo-ie
  14. Okay so did you or did you not visit Cat5 and what did you do?
  15. So are you saying that we both visited him then?
  16. I only have Cat5's word to say that I visited him
  17. @Category 5 Hurricane @OrangeP47 I'd like to know both sides input last night and who your firm suggestion as scum is. As for me I'm at a lost here: Cat5 did kill Shade... And for what reason? As Shade is town, removing a highly needed number for town to win, he isn't looking good. But he has also called out Mojo and KY, however I know Cat5 is a busy man, and is barely able to contribute, but his plan did sound sensible. Orange was confirmed town, but it could also mean that he is still scum, someone who has his alignment hidden, and its true that he has only been following the votes and the clues to suspect scum. FRAYDOs report maybe wrong or true, but to my knowledge Orange is the only one I haven't checked out for myself so I can't believe just yet if he is actually scum. Coming back to me, I have been giving results truthfully and nailed Mojo to the grave on D2. Though we all were wrong to assume that he was Mastermind until KY was lynched. I won't take credit for that one. Last but not least last night I did check Cat5 and he didn't visit anyone last night, as to my knowledge
  18. Sorry Shade I'm so mad that you're dead
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