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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 9 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Source:  Common Sense

    Or a house ability. Or a vertigo RPG mechanic. Or literally anything that we might not yet know about.

    My bet's on targaryan special ability being something along the lines of "targaryan rebellion", but it could also be linked to the religion. And if you try to convince me that someone took targaryan as their choice of house but didn't pick the valyrian religion, i ask you: who has no common sense?

  2. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    We found the third party with our vote yesterday. Rubeci was third party.  We're pretty sure sending him to the wall failed.  The point is, we already have a third party.  There's probably not another specific one, other than indies when the king gets in trouble at the end of a rebellion.

    What a suprise, it's not like i mentioned it during the previous night?

    Also, pinpoint the moment where i said sunflower is a third party.

  3. 6 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I mean, we already found the third party, I think any talk of Sunflower being some kind of super-dangerous character is just crazy paranoia.

    I mean, the KNOWN third party offered us a deal, and everyone kinda just stuck their head in the sand like an emu and shrugged it off.  There's been no discussion of it, at all, what's up with that.

    There is no discussion of what? What third party? What deal?

  4. ##vote Sunflower

    Sunflower's interest in me being Cersei (whom I am not) plus whatever i gathered by skimming through the thread more or less convinces me on her being a Targaryan.

    Say what you like, but I am not happy with a secret mechanic of an essos invasion right at the time of the winter meter maxing out. Adding to it the valyrian religion and dragons, I stake my life on the fact that sooner or later this bomb will explode (which means no matter who's king at a time, they can say goodbye to the throne). You'd all be wise to remember that.

  5. 8 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

    Well Verti did mention 3 potential houses he'd add if we had enough people, which is what I assumed he meant. But if the independent isn't one of them, my bet would be on The Iron Bank of Braavos, maybe they'd hire The Golden Company though.

    My role leads me to believe it is not the Iron Bank, and definitely not the Golden Company.

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