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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I didn't necessarily suggest those were the likely outcomes, merely that they were possibilities, there's a difference.  Part of putting those forward was reaction fishing, seeing who'd respond and how.  Seeing who has TMI.

    Town doesn't make half-assed claims based on shady recollection of details which crumble under scrutiny. Scum does that. Because they cannot make actual cases, because they have to make them up in order to have townies framed. And they need to do it, especially if they gamble and lose, like you with Retail.

    Everything you threw at me today crumbled. But you keep coming. And it keeps crumbling.

    Show me at least a little bit of respect and try a bit harder. Spend some 30 minutes getting something solid, with quotes and numbers. Maybe then I won't feel like I'm wasting time responding to your posts.

  2. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    I think they hit Sunflower, but it was someone else other than me who made the decision, a group that didn't know it was the hand.

    Then why was your original assumption that they either had an ability cooldown or they spent time fortifying and gaining strength?

    I mean, the numbers were there, and I already brought them up. You, on the other hand, were very fast in trying to pin all of it on me.

    You, the guy who with full confidence promised us that Retal was scum, offering yourself on a plate weren't that the case. Or have you forgotten about that?

  3. 2 hours ago, Retaliation said:

    It irritates me that not only did Jeod waste his confirmed royalist status to just vote the most voted player, he also didn't deny Shade was not the Hand. I ignored Shade that entire phase because I thought he was soft confirmed Royalist.

    One might say I'm perturbed.

    I'll be even more perturbed if on top of it all Orange walks free.

  4. If my theory on Rebels hitting the hand Night 3 is correct, then they already know who it is.

    We need to know it too, if we want to start putting the pieces together.

    I'm asking for the hand to come out, and for Jeod to confirm it.

    I hope the hand is aware that when the king goes, so will he/she. It's in their best interest to place themselves on the correct side, today.

  5. Let's recap. If my chart analysis is correct, our current standing is:

    • 1 King Beyond the Wall
    • 1 Night's Watchman
    • 3 Rebels
    • 1 King
    • 1 Hand
    • 3 Loyals

    Assuming the same army base of 10k per player, current strenght proportion would be:

    • 15k Third Party (10k + 5k)
    • 30k Rebels (3x10k)
    • 60k Royals (20k + 10k + 3x10k)

    Loyal houses can only deploy 25% troops into defensive combat, meaning the maximum effective defence of Kings Landing sits at 37,5k

    If the rebels are allowed to recruit one more member tonight, they will outnumber the Royals 40k to 35k.

    Forces are automatically depleted in combat. If a battle happens tomorrow, we will potentially lose up to 70k forces out of our total base of 105k.

    In other words, if we don't stop this rebellion piecemeal as soon as possible, we'll sit at a wreckege of a kingdom by the time winter arrives.

    We have to hammer Orange and his friends. Today.

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