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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 67619152_2526359374077428_16159010304473

    Here. Had i still AutoCAD in this computer I'd have done a more thorough analysis based on circumference segmenting, but this is what i take out of these:

    At the start of Day 2 the red section appears to be 2x as wide as the green one. Assuming Rubeci has a starting army of the same size as everyone else (10k), it would suggest the rebels own 20k troops, making it most likely a two-player team.

    At the start of Day 3, the red section expands by 50% (literally the width of the green slice). Assumption being the rebels have grown by another 10k, at the cost of the blue section. 3rd member recruited.

    At the start of Day 4, the green section expands by 50%. Given the base seemed to be 10k, it would indicate a 5k influx. This happens at the cost of the blue section, while the red section doesn't change in size(!). This is Retaliation's force split 50:50, between the green Night's Watch and blue Loyalists.

  2. 52 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

    Kept 5k.

    This could explain the rebels' rise in power. Night's Watch is neutral, while the loyalists lost 5k. The increase in relative power of the red side also seems lower than the 20k difference which would occur if someone moved 10k troops from one side to another.

    i'm still convinced that recruitment action failed. Even moreso that Orange lists scum taking a break or building up forces as the only two options.

    5 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    We're playing a VERTi60 game. We're destined to lose before we begin.

    That's what we're here for, aren't we? :D

  3. 28 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Alright. I'll concede that Voe could have been converted to rebel, but at least I don't believe he rebelled himself. I also don't believe Sunflower would send an Alliance proposal to a loyalist while rebelling herself, so I have those two in my loyalist pile right now.

    As a matter of fact, I wonder why I wasn't.

    My best guess is that scum (just as I did) concluded that Shade is the hand and they tried converting him, but failed (because he's the hand). Keep in mind it could also be true for any other player being the hand. This is why I'm most interested in who that person is. Maybe they know a little bit more about what happened tonight.

  4. 1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Oh really?  I think if we surveyed everyone (not that I'm necessarily advocating for that), we'd find most people have abilities that are useful to both sides, and don't need a second ability)  However the fact that I was attacked yesterday for needing it, and you remained quiet, when you yourself need two abilities does not speak well for you.

    Before I forget.

    ##Vote Voe

    Here we go bois

  5. 1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Nah, 30k vs the whole kingdom isn't enough.  Even ignoring the royal army for a second, the income suggests 6 loyal houses.  That's like 60k.  60k is more than 30k.  Royal army significantly tilts it still in royalist favor.

    You're implying loyalists actually send armies to reinforce the king :raise:

  6. 1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    If you meant house capital, I've already mentioned that in the thread.  I'm immune to night actions while loyalists (aside from conversion).  So if anyone got my holding they could gain that immunity, aside from conversion.  The conversion is the actual house ability.

    But since you've clarified your language, we're back to my point.  You're claiming your house ability only works if you possess the capital, and are assuming that's the kingdom capital? I find that... hard to believe... 

    I find it hard to believe you still think you'll be living through today.

    Let's just say if I could muster up 30k troops while rebel I'd be king already. Wouldn't even have to bother to recruit anyone else.

  7. 2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    So you're actually claiming your bonus requires you to be king, and this king bonus nonsense isn't just some D1 misunderstanding caused by not reading the rules?  I find that very hard to believe.

    I don't have a capital held bonus.  I highly doubt anyone has one, which is why I've consistently argued "king bonuses" are BS, but now you're doubling down on it?

    Fantastic. Keep up the charade.

    1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Unless you mean just a standard holding bonus, which is different than a kingdom capital bonus.

    House Capital Passive Perk is the 10% income.

    House Night Action is the Golden Company Loan - boosting the Royal Army with mercs if in possession of the Capital.

    I guess i can't spell it out any more directly unless i paste a screenshot of my role PM.

  8. 2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Because your army is yours no matter what alignment you are? That statement doesn't even make any sense, unless you're claiming your army would desert you when becoming rebel.


    1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Like, if it's your house power, why would it matter if your loyalist or rebel, you could use it as either. You'd have access to it all the time.  That's a dumb question.


    Because the royal army and personal army aren't the exact same thing? Being the king gives you additional bonuses, and my power is one of them under the prerequisite of holding the capital?

    Because my passive perk as a non-king is a 10% increased gold income?

    How many powers do you think I have?

  9. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    There's not much more to say.  The fact that it's unique would point to most of us having unique things, which would only strengthen the argument that your troop increasing action is what the crux is here.

    I'll tell you what I think. I think you and your scumbuddy planned to win the rebellion today. You planned to throw a townie, any townie, under the train, recruit another member tonight and start this day with 3 members. That, plus 1 TP, 1 at the Wall, 1 King and 1 Hand, would only leave 3 loyalists remaining. Given that we can only contribute 25% of our strength to the king, with your special attack ability mentioned by Vertigo, you'd be able to overthrow the king night 4.

    This is why you immediately jumped the Retal train on a dare, because you knew it wouldn't matter which townie got walled - you'd have enough forces by today to resist the royal invasion day 4.

    But something went wrong. We don't know what, but it did. What you're doing now is squirming around and trying to get your ass from between the hammer and the anvil, trying to build ANY CASE AT ALL against absolutely anyone, trying to save your ass.

  10. On 7/22/2019 at 10:17 PM, Voe said:

    My royal action is to raise 20.000 mercanaries, and i can do it once every rebellion. Fun part, my initial PM said once per game,  but it changed a on day 2 or so. It looks to me like our overlord and master Vertigo is expecting a little more action than what we have right now.


    9 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    With the income based argument, I'm inclined to agree, and this really would point to Voe, as he's claimed the ability to increase army size.

    It's a hire golden company action as a lannister holding the throne.

  11. 1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Hand hunting is bad, mkay :p

    I believe the hand will need to reveal him/herself very soon. It would make a world of change in the dynamic of player power blocks and vote stacking. Not to mention we're at a stage where accidentally hitting a hand with a vote wagon is getting more and more likely, and if the king waits until the very last second to intervene, we may lose a whole day.

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