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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 1) You're right, because the frequency at which Nod buys their vehicles is linear and not at all skewed towards everything invisible.

    2) T-62 kills a mammoth railgun in a head to head fight with health remaining. That is, when it fights 1v1 and doesn't just kite it, with its 50% additional range.

    3) 36inch is too slow and cumbersome to be of any use on most of the maps. Moreover, it's too inaccurate to hit anything reliably.

    4) Railgun Titan loses to a T-62 and it loses to a Strv, while being too slow to run away and outranged by both.

    5) Commanche can reliably deal 2000+ damage in a salvo, which is enough to kill almost anything in the field, and given how slow  GDI vehicles are, if Nod has the money they can suicide charge stop any meaningful push on any larger map.

  2. Half Nod's vehicles are invisible, all Nod tanks outrange their GDI counterparts, T-62 doesn't have a counter, AT Commanches are stealth and KO every GDI vehicle in a single clip.

    Right, GDI OP.

  3. @Cjx0rlisten to Threve. There were no mods, nobody to warn the offenders or call them out, what do you expect us to do? Go and kick them, ban them? Had we been banning people on their first offense and leaving it at that, you would have already been banned and your posting permissions would have never been returned.

    So how about instead of throwing a tantrum and pointing fingers you stop for a moment and consider the situation in a more rational manner?

  4. On 9/12/2019 at 6:49 PM, dblaney1 said:

    The reason why in IA the turret isn't super low is because then it would end up aiming into the ground far too often. There are maps in IA where the camo pillboxes are super hard to spot. Blazing sands in particular sticks out. The camo pillbox also has tons of health (although IA doesn't have a normal pillbox)

    Blazing sands pillboxes get me every time :doh:

    There is also that thing where IA pillboxes are insanely difficult to kill, compared to APB. Their weakspots are on top, so if you're in a flat vehicle or an infantry on flat ground, you have a hard time hitting them.

  5. 9 hours ago, Testament said:

    After defending Roz's name against Voe in internal chats, I have to agree he's a bootlicking status quo touting conformist. Nothing in IA could ever be done wrong. There's nothing that showcases a little clique within IA than all the internal chats accusing me of being some white supremacist ringleader destined to troll IA than the disregard and contempt IA staff shows for its playerbase. They hate them for being unlike them... I swear. 

    Despite disagreeing with Jeod 99% of the time, he is right in this occasion. No doubt I have a bias against dblaney and his politics but holy shit... it made me leave a community I regularly participated in since 2008. Maybe its time to step in and do something about the thought police and power tripping in the staff...

    Thank you discy for linking me to this, had to say a little bit of my piece. There is a history with this moderation team and high rank staff havent done shit... I was only the marketing guy for IA and ECW so what the fuck do I know about the passive aggressive shit they say internally

    I don't see what Roz has to do with you being a white supremacist, @Testament. In fact, if you have any complaints to make, why not create a separate thread instead of posting in this one?

    @thedisclaimitory I know you're still in secondary school, but the use of commas and fullstops should already be behind you. Use them.


  6. I see this thread has been completely derailed from what i believe is an ongoing and significant problem. I took the liberty to hide some of the unneccesary personal attacks at the end, but I'll have it stay open in case anyone else would like to drop their five cents on the topic of building restores.

  7. We've had that feature back at BHP. It used to be problematic, as sometimes you do not want to be moved to another channel automatically, when all your friends are in another, locked one.

  8. 12 minutes ago, TemporaryName said:

    pathetic excuse to justify unfair power-up

    I agree that it is unfair. It benefits the winning team as they generally have the map control. Imagine a situation where one side is winning by a margin of 1-2 buildings, and is constantly besieging the other. Even in a case of a break-out and a well coordinated counter which would destroy a building belonging to the currently winning, with their map control they have a chance to get it all back and bring the losers back to square one.

    What happened in our match was the opposite - the losing team managed to outmaneuver the winning side so hard they not only wrested the map control, but also successfully defended, nuked and rushed their way to victory in the end.

  9. When Nod lost every building but the HoN 10 minutes into the game, all the GDI had to do was to finish us off. CJ and I were on comms and we literally threw in the towel, manning the roof Oerlikons and waiting for the cycle. But instead of finishing, GDI bought a shit ton of snipers and zippos, getting started on the killwhore train with 1 hour 5 minutes of the map still remaining (!!!) at the point when Threve joined, only 1 or two GDI players still kept pushing in with Mammies/Disruptors, so we've donated Threve for a Commanche and ran EMP Grenade/Commanche combo for the next good 30 minutes, all while GDI was still attempting whoring with snipers and Zippos. The fact that we gathered those 3 building restores within that 1 hour (all of which spawn midway through the map) only shows how little the GDI tried to push and maintain map control.

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