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Posts posted by triattack

  1. there will be a gameserver downtime in an hour for server maintenance. during this down time the game servers will be down.

    this down time should last less then an hour. I'll try to get it online asap.

    i'll post here oncec the server is back online.

  2. Press tilde or f8 then type "team2 <playerID> <team number>" where playerid =1 if you are on Lan and the only player. Teamnumber is the tan you want to switch to where 1 = GDI and 0= nod and either -1 or 2 is for the mutants as i forgot which one it is and I'm on my phone i can't say it for sure.


    About the obi i don't think there is a script for per team priority could be wrong though.

  3. You're better off unchecking is3dsound rather than setting the max volume and dropoff radius really high.

    Of you read the tutorial it also states to check of is 3d sound.


    Also, there's always that one guy who decides he doesn't like map X and just starts votes constantly, over and over again, despite the fact that people either aren't bothering to vote or are voting against him.


    You end up losing more people on the server when a really unfavorable map comes up anyway. You'd probably lose less players when a specific map came up if people could vote.


    the experience with voting (during the first few months of the reborn release) is that people actually leave because some people vote for the same maps constantly.

    i'm thinking of once i have time (which is in about 10 weeks) if making a SSGM plugin to make a random rotation plugin that will allow for 1 reroll of the map if 75% of the in-game players don't agree with the rolled map.

  5. Is there a way to shuffle the rotation or something? Seems like the same 7 or so maps on repeat.


    there used to be one for script 3.4.4 if people want i'm willing to try and make a new version of it for the w3dhub servers.

    Or how about enable the map voting function

    so far with reborn i have hate bad experience with the voting system on public servers.

    people tend to band wagon on certain maps to be voted for not being played constantly.

  6. Just a quick note to mention that Timeau's maps are back on the server because he's updated them to be compatible with the latest version of Reborn!


    All you need to do to get the new versions is join the server, since the maps will be downloaded automatically when needed.


    The maps that are now back in rotation again are: OmegaCity, Tiber and Dam.



  7. at the moment i'm working at mc donalds to pay for the rent as i'm a full time student studying Molecular science and technology (i'm in my freshman's year and basically the first year is a combination between chemistry and chemical engineering and at the end of the year i choose what direction i take).

    as i moved i to another dutch city i also changed mcdonalds restaurant and i must say what a difference my old one was really enjoyable with loads of fun collegues, this one is less fun but it's hard to find a job for in the weekends near ehre that doesn't require sales experience or requires you to go door to door selling all sorts of crap or gathering donators.

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