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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. The votes have been counted and these are the results! First .... Wait! Retaliation suddenly pulled out a gun! He then quickly aims it at VERTi60 and shoots him. After the shock you quickly investigate VERTi60. VERTi60, also known as Aleksander Litwinowicz, a Galician, has been shot! After going through his personal documents, we discovered that he was he was part of the Status-Quo party and had the objective to achieve Status Quo by reform. He could ##Protect people during the night and his crowbar item allowed him to ##Steal during the night. Meanwhile, his Walkie-talkie could use ##Walkie-talkie to contact another person. Additionally, he had an evidence base key. All items have been transfered to the vault. It is sad to see that a friendly was hit though. Well then.... With that out of the way, let's investigate TheIrishman.... His real name is Daniel Szabo and he is a Hungarian national. He currently has no items. But what about his status? Well, after a short investigation, you found out that he's Hostile! He will be arrested and jailed for the time being. We’ll see what we will do with him later. His items have been confiscated and transferred to the vault. He was aligned with the Status Quo party and had to achieve Status Quo by reform. His only action was to ##Trap players at night. Well, that's two people gone today... So what about the reform? Well, you’ve decided to enact a political reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose. A - Radical Status Quo It is quite obvious that the minor states of the Empire only increase the bureaucracy and that they slow the functioning of the Empire. Lowering their autonomy while increasing the power of Austro-Hungarian institutions will surely do away with the lengthy political nightmare in which nothing ever gets done. B - Soft Status Quo The Empire has been functioning well for the past 70 years now. Sure, it has had some issues, but it was at its greatest strenght under a combined force of Austrian and Hungarian institutions. Let's see to it that these institutions are strengthened! C - Soft Pluralism While creation of Illyria shortly before the Ausgleich of 1927 caused Hungary to walk away, we have also noticed that the parliaments of the minor states have been useful. Not only did they reduce the workload of the Imperial institutions, they were also capable of tackling the issues in the minor states more efficiently. We should strengthen these institutions to improve administrative efficiency. D - Radical Pluralism The Empire has been at a standstill for quite a while. However, during the past ten years, the parliaments of the minor states have proven themselves to be more capable than the crumbling centralised government in Vienna. Perhaps it is time to decentralize a bit more and make those states more equal to those of Österreich and Magyarország. You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party. Additionally, you nominated OrangeP47 to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night!
  2. All votes have been counted Will give you the full result at hammertime. Short story: He's status quo by reform He could protect people like a doctor and had a crowbar and walkie-talkie, they will be in the vault soon. Also, stability went down.
  3. Fun fact. I edited the cvc and finished editing it a split second before your post.
  4. A great part of the museum is that you can enter many of the engines, DMU's, EMU's and carriages. An even better part is when you find out that trains were a lot more comfortable during the 1930's up til the early 2000's compared to today's trains. Yes, that's how you do it.
  5. We used to have quite a few of them as well back in the day. However, we no longer have them and 90% of the ''railways'' that used them were regional tram routes that have since been replaced by busses. Said ferries have been replaced by bridges.
  6. Just a small update again, I'll be heading to a place where big engines which move on steel tracks to transport things are archived and displayed tomorrow. So if I can't get a cvc off tomorrow morning/afternoon, go spam Voe with requests. Otherwise, you'll get one once I return.
  7. Yes, I know, early day, but I was done early and didn't feel like waiting.
  8. Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. Ensure that you do the Kaiser proud! Especially since you lads couldn't agree on anything last day. There is some news though, the local police have informed you that they're looking into a case on one of the people at the Ausgleich. If you investigate him today, it is possible that he'll be arrested. As usual though, there is nothing interesting in the newspaper. Seems like the good journalists have gone extinct. Don't let the people, the Kaiser, and the Empire down again! 48 hours and 15 minutes remain until the end of the day!
  9. If you guys can't agree on something, then how will you put forward a reform?
  10. The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation. Looks like Category 5 Hurricane is going to be investigated. His real name is Teohari Georgescu and he is a Romanian national. He currently has no items. However he is currently Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. No items will be transfered to the vault, because he doesn't have any. Secondly, you’ve decided to enact a .... another tie?! The Kaiser isn't too happy with that. You all noticed that he left with a sad look on his face. You better do the right thing tomorrow. In any case, the previous reform, the military one, is almost finished and the Kaiser's guards will be receiving their new briefings tonight. Additionally, you nominated Retaliation to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night!
  11. Ah, it was banning the FAUD, wasn't it? Yeah, the French can get pissy over that.
  12. What happened? I can't remember there being any event that allows them to start the 2nd weltkrieg in 1936. In any case lads, I'll be out playing a match of Doorhammer 40.000, so if you need a Cvc or anything in the meantime, go bother Voe.
  13. I've done a lot to get it to work, nothing did. I'll save the clock for the next game.
  14. Well that didn't work. Excel eventually just shat the bed.
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