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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investiga- Wait! Shade is calling everybody to order and reminds them why we are all here. After some brief moments of thinking, you agree that meddling about petty things isn't what is important right now. The Empire is what is important. You all appologise to one another and shake each other's hands. The mood at the end of the day is therefore better than it was before, and the people felt it! Stability has been boosted by 5%. Ehm... in any case, on with the investigation! Looks like Killing_You is going to be investigated. His real name is Alojzije Stepinac and he is an Illyrian national. He currently has no items, which is a bit of a bummer for those who seek items. Why? Well it is because he is Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. As you know, he didn't have any items, so nothing gets moved to the vault. Secondly, you’ve decided to enact a political reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose. A - Radical Status Quo It is quite obvious that the minor states of the Empire only increase the bureaucracy and that they slow the functioning of the Empire. Lowering their autonomy while increasing the power of Austro-Hungarian institutions will surely do away with the lengthy political nightmare in which nothing ever gets done. B - Soft Status Quo The Empire has been functioning well for the past 70 years now. Sure, it has had some issues, but it was at its greatest strenght under a combined force of Austrian and Hungarian institutions. Let's see to it that these institutions are strengthened! C - Soft Pluralism While creation of Illyria shortly before the Ausgleich of 1927 caused Hungary to walk away, we have also noticed that the parliaments of the minor states have been useful. Not only did they reduce the workload of the Imperial institutions, they were also capable of tackling the issues in the minor states more efficiently. We should strengthen these institutions to improve administrative efficiency. D - Radical Pluralism The Empire has been at a standstill for quite a while. However, during the past ten years, the parliaments of the minor states have proven themselves to be more capable than the crumbling centralised government in Vienna. Perhaps it is time to decentralize a bit more and make those states more equal to those of Österreich and Magyarország. You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party. So, who are you going to nominate to the vault tonight? Well, you've managed to create a tie again. It will be resolved as follows: Shade = 1/2. Retaliation = 3/4. Sunflower = 5/6. RNG = 3. After picking straws, it appears that Retaliation is to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night!
  2. Bloody hell lad, you made it just a snipped before the end of the day. I'll resolve this during the nightpost.
  3. I tried to get you lads a cvc around 6 hours ago, but the forum was too busy updating. And considering that I visit my grandparents on Sunday evening, well, yeah, it took a while. But here it is nontheless.
  4. Error! Actions can not be done! The penalty for using actions that cannot be done is death that you will need to start each post today with ''She told me to say''.
  5. FYI, Fraydo is ''dead''. I just don't kill historical characters in this game. (This way you can also figure out which characters actually existed and which ones were made up.)
  6. It is a morning that comes with horrible news! Fraydo, also known as Miklos Horthy, an honoured Hungarian has been shot tonight! He has somehow survived and is now recovering in the Vienna hospital but he's out of the Ausgleich as we won't know how long it will take for him to recover. After going through his personal documents in his room, it is soon discovered that was aligned to both Pluralism and Status-Quo . He didn't appear to care who won. However, we did find out that he tried to protect the Monarchy by any means necessary. He didn't appear to have had any night actions, but he did have two items. The first was an Evidence Base Key and the second one was his Legendary Admiral's Cane. Both items have been transfered to the vault. But what about the reforms? Well, it looks like the C variant, also known as Soft Pluralism has won the day! This economic reform will ever so slightly bring the minor states of Bohemia, Galicia and Illyria closer to Austria and Hungary when it comes to economic might. The minor nations seem to be satisfied once again and there's no longer any indication that they might leave the Ausgleich again if there's another opposing reform. The Pluralists are also happy with the fact that their voices have been heard, which has boosted stability in the Empire. Even now, there are no interesting articles in the newspaper. In which case, it is probably best to start working again. And eh... perhaps we should find the murderer as well. We don't want to lose any more people. Let us honour our great friend Horthy! 48 hours remain until the end of the day!
  7. Updated the Day-End post with relevant information regarding the previous military reform. (I forgot to do this, considering I haven't had to do it during any of the previous days.)
  8. The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation. Looks like Sunflower is going to be investigated. His real name is Emil Benes and he is a Bohemian national. He currently has no items. But what about his status? Well, it looks like he's Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. His non-existent items will not be confiscated. Secondly, you’ve decided to enact an economic reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose. A - Radical Status Quo It isn't the Dual-Monarchy for nothing. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of both Austria and Hungary. B - Soft Status Quo The Empire is led by its two strongest members. Choosing this option will slightly boost the economic power of both Austria and Hungary. C - Soft Pluralism Even though Bohemia is the industrial heart of the Empire, the two other minors, Illyria and Galicia are falling behind. Yet this reform slightly boosts the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia. D - Radical Pluralism It is often said that nations cannot stand on equal footing if they don't have the same economic power. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia. (Yes, these have been copied from D1. I'm lazy, deal with it!) You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party. The previous military reform, enacted in the early morning of today, is almost complete! The Austo-Hungarian military capacity has been greatly strenghtened and even the Royal Guards themselves will receive their new briefing tonight. Additionally, you nominated Jeod to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night!
  9. Oy lads, hammer has passed. Now be quiet until after the day end post.
  10. Hammertime! And those votes have been included in the day end CVC!
  11. Error. This is not a valid action. EDDIT: WAIT, I should get some sleep. >_> I'll put it up the CVC.
  12. There we go, this CVC is correct. I've also updated the daypost with this one. EDDIT: ForPluk'sSake, I slipped on a 3 instead of a 4 for stability. Sorry! >_< (Don't hate me, you have no idea how much I had to do in a short space of time!)
  13. A sad morning it is indeed. iLikeToSnipe, also known as Joseph von Papen, an Austrian, has been murdered tonight! After a medical investigation, we have discovered that he was alligned to an underground Syndicalist party. His objective was to Abolish the monarchy by means of a civil war. He could use the power for the people to restore all of his PP during the day, once. During the night he could steal from either the vault or another player. His item, a walkietalkie, has been transferred to the vault. But what about the reforms? Well it looks like you've finally managed to pass a reform tonight! It seems that option A, Radical Status-Quo has won tonight! The Austro-Hungarian military will receive a massive boost it seems! However, Bohemia, Gallicia and Illyria have been angered by this result and aren't in a great mood. If there are too many radical reforms, they might leave the Ausgleich! Beyond that the pluralists in the country are not happy. They feel that the country is shifting too far into one direction, which has lowered the Empire's stability. Ensure that their voices are heard! After this eye opening event, you decided to collectively open your morning newspapers as if nothing happened. However, you couldn't find anything interesting today. Progress! A dead Syndie and a passed reform! Rejoice! 48 hours remain until the end of the day!
  14. The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation. Looks like Retaliation is going to be investigated. His real name is Anton Bibescu and is a Romanian national. He currently has two items. The first is a crowbar and the second one is a typewriter. What about his status? Well, it looks like he's Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. His items have been confiscated and transferred to the vault. Secondly, you’ve decided to try again at enacthing military reform. The options that you are looking at are the same as yesterday. There are four option which you can choose. A - Radical Status Quo. Most of the Empire's forces have always been supplied by the dual powers of Austria and Hungary. Therefore it is a no-brainer that it should be these countries that would receive a massive boost to their militaries! B - Soft Status Quo Poor leadership has led to some embarrasing moments during the weltkrieg. However, the Austro-Hungarian forces are under new leadership and their forces are as strong as ever. We should give these forces some additional funding. C - Soft Pluralism While the forces of Austria and Hungary did a lot of work during the weltkrieg, the forces of Bohemia, Galicia and Illyria are in need of some additional funding. Let's see to it that their needs are met! D - Radical Pluralism Some of the most impressive feats during the weltkrieg have been achieved by the soldiers and officers of the minor states of the Empire. They've proven that the Empire can be unified in its diversity and stand strong. This bill will ensure that they'll get a massive boost, as that's what they deserve! You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party. Additionally, you nominated Jeod to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night!
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