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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Most definately. Should you ever get IV, don't expect a sequal to II or III, IV has its own mechanics and way of playing the game. It's like how EU IV is different to EU III. Then again, it's a lot of fun and you can do a lot of crazy things if you know how to pull it off. Bloody hell lad, some more effort could have been put into that question. The answer is somewhere in July.
  2. Greetings old investigators! Your success in defusing the tensions over the July crisis have managed to reach the history books and are known to have delayed the outbreak of the war by a month. While you were still doing all kinds of administrative jobs, a follow-up crisis over Vojvodina, where the Serbian government pushed the weakened Austro-Hungarian government for the release of lands inhabited by Serbs, blew up and started a global war on the 4th of August 1914. The war would last until 1919, and in some cases, 1921. The resulting Treaties of Versailles ensured that a war like this could never again. At least, that was the intention. The year is now 1936 and the prospect of retaining the everlasting peace as set by the Treaties of Versailles has now become uncertain: revangist states are waiting for the moment to strike, many nations face ideological and political dilemmas, an empire has become overstreched and planet earth is about to face the worst economic disaster in recorded history. Another global war is coming. The only questions are: when will it happen and who will be fighting on what side? Right then, that intro should set the tune for now and shouldn't provide any real spoilers unless you recognise a few bits here and there. In any case, on to the point of this thread! After the successful July Crisis game Voe and I hosted last year, we've been meaning to do a sequal. And we will do a sequal around the summer holidays. However, you will be able to choose which game you'd like to play this time around. All games will feature similar features to those found in the July Crisis: Items, different roles, some sort of tension or stability meter, investigation reports, sneaky if indentifyable mechanics, fun references, etc. However, we will also expand a bit on the game mechanics, including an as of yet hidden end-game mechanic that will apply to all games. What games can you choose from? Well, look no further! The Haute-Savoy Crisis The Haute Savoy Crisis is the least complex game and is the easiest to develop and balance. It is the closest to the original in that it focusses on finding evidence and preventing a hostile France from taking Haute-Savoy, which currently falls under a Swiss mandate. Will Switzerland prevail against the French giant? Features: Easy to learn game mechanics A referendum mechanic to boost certain aspects of the Swiss team, or the French one, depending on the results Many different outcomes, for better or worse Items and personal traits Evidence and item locker Ausgleich '37 In Ausgleich '37 we return to Central Europe and the Balkans. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has been going through a tough time since the end of the war. It needs reforms and Emperor Karl I knows it. He failed during the ausgleich of 1927 and fears that failing again would mean the end of the empire. Of course, such a moment of weakness will not go unnoticed and Austria's enemies are lurking from afar. Will Austria-Hungary finally fall? Or will Karl the 1st be able to reform the empire and show the world the true power of a unified Austria-Hungary? Features: Slightly more difficult to learn game mechanics than Haute-Savoy A more elaborate way to push reforms though the game than the Haute-Savoy crisis A hunt for scum that seek to destroy the empire while finding a way to ensure that your reforms are chosen Mechanics that will allow people to build cases on other players, such cases will be necessary before those players can be fully eliminated by voting (imprisoned/lynched) Return of the item locker and new mechanics related to the item locker The Presidential Election of 1936 The Presidential Election of 1936 is about the political divide in the United States in the wake of the Great Depression and the failure of President Hoover to resolve those issues. A new president will have to be chosen to restore a strong economy in the US. However, the ideological tensions may very well cause the US to collapse into a political crisis or worse if the new President is not able to adress all concerns. Yet even then forces are on the move to realise their own vision of the US... or lack thereof. Features: Most complex game out there A complex political system to see to it that band-aiding the nation is as painful as it should be Backstabbing is the order of the day as objectives vary wildly Winning the election will bring more options for you, but will likely also make you a target Tools for secretly eliminating the most dangerious opposition Please keep in mind that some features might change if Voe and I are not able to balance them well enough. Other than that, go vote! Then Voe and I will be able to fully develop one of these games, which we hope to host somewhere in July. So please, go vote in the poll!
  3. It's not unusual to have all factions (even those on the same side!) fighthing one another and to have enemies ally up for a mutual goal. Anyway, for my flavour, Officio Prefectus or Cadia (the Guard still stands!)
  4. >Lamenters Oh man, we should tie you with Fraydo for a lynch and watch the universe implode.
  5. >Doorhammer Mafia Sign me up! I'll provide you with flavour info later.
  6. Hmm, I see the no-plan paid off, at least until Inferno came up with a cop claim out of the blue, which almost put the entire clean sweep in jeopardy. Hey! I've been legitimately busy and I did what I could to be active. I did call the other lackies out on it though. I'm pretty sure that it would have been a different game should I have been able to play more. Also, from the deaddoc
  7. That's enough evidence for me. You're unwillingness to vote a likely fellow scum player says enough. ##Vote iLTS I've made up my mind and I'm sticking with my guns. Take the veteran out of the equation and it'll be a lot easier to nail down the final remaining scum member.
  8. Right then, I only have a few minutes before I head to bed again. ¶_¶ So my list probably isn't as detailed as it can be. (Can't wait to be done with uni so that I'll actually have regular schedule instead of things popping up all the time.) Cat5: Pretty much guaranteed to be town. There's no reason to fake claim Oracle. His manner of play has aided us to where we are as well. Shade: As obnoxious as always. And, to be fair, he hasn't really been that useful. Potential scum right here. iLTS: Bastard that has been on everybody's scumdar for the entire game. If Inferno is a scumbag, then iLTS might be cleared. However, it has taken a long time for iLTS to contribute to the right place. Most of the reasons as to why he's likely scum have been given already. Inferno: Comes up with a cop claim this late into the game. The true question is how much we believe him. If he's fake then it's likely that iLTS is innocent. If he's correct, then we'll finally nail the one that has been getting away from his fate this entire time. And thinking about it, unless the cop was killed during night one, he's likely to be the cop, and a safe one at that due to the lack of possible counterclaims (the ones that wouldn't be suicide that is). Mojoman: To be fair, he's been posting more than I had thought, but pretty much none of it has stuck with me. He's been mostly echoing what others have said (which has been said by others ¬_¬) and it took a while for me to realise that he's been an active player. Potential scum. TheIrishMan: I thought that he was scum at first for the reasons specified on D2 (me nagging him for actually following Cat5's wishes) but Cat5's response to that has removed that suspicion. Has been trying to contribute the best he can since then. Well then, time to put them in order from scum to not-scum. iLTS - Shade/Mojoman - Inferno - TheIrishMan - Cat5 I put Inferno in the middle on a ''null'' read. While the odds are agains the cop dying N1 we shouldn't rule it out and should he lie about all of this, my entire table will need a rethink if we're even able to do that. Why not? I'm pulling out from voting just yet as I'll be here for another 15 minutes or so to observe further developments.
  9. We were at a potential MYLO, waiting for more possible scum tells is a rather shitty decision. There isn't much of a reason to wait. I get why you flipping, if you are the cop, would allow us to go back to your earlier reports and nail potential scum. Besides, iLTS has been a suspect on pretty much anybody's list. Your reasoning is, therefore, iffy.
  10. I won't make a decision until we hear back from Inferno though. If he doesn't have a good reason for his claim then it is more likely that we've found ourselves a scum candidate. Whether that clears iLTS will be up for debate though.
  11. Why have you waited with pushing iLTS? I can't counterclaim. So we're at a crossroads, do we believe Inferno's claim and go after iLTS who has been tingling on everybody's scumdar for the entire game? Or do we not believe Inferno's claim and lynch him instead, potentially nailing us a scum? Of course, there are other possibilities, the first of which is Inferno being a scum sacrifice to clear iLTS, the second being that Inferno is just sure and simply claimed cop while the final one is that Inferno is speaking the truth while iLTS is a miller. However, I consider these to be less likely than the ones written above.
  12. I'll take a look at it once I get home tomorrow.
  13. Unless Fraydo ended up being the miller. (Which he thankfully wasn't.) It wasn't a guaranteed positive for us.
  14. Beyond that, why would Cat5 going after you suddenly make Cat5 scum? It may look a bit suspicious, but your attack feels a bit counter-offensive, which is something that scum tends to do.
  15. I don't have the time for that, not with only 8 minutes left on the clock.
  16. To be fair, that shitpost was pure heresy. My ears and eyse are still recovering from that horror straight out off the domain of lawlessness.
  17. You didn't need to vote no-lynch as you were already pretty much safe. (Beyond that, I didn't have enough time to pay a good look at the CVC, sorry about that!)
  18. I don't lynching town, which is why I was (and still am) deadset against it. You pretty much confirmed your own alignment with that move.
  19. Yeah no. Don't try to save yourself. ##Vote iLikeToSnipe
  20. Vote on what? I'm more and more inclinded to see iLTS as scum. But considering we appear to go no-lynch, should I really follow my guts? You keep rambling on about a likely gambit. I personally don't see a reason why it should be a gambit. Why the living shit would a scum player go for an oracle claim? Testing the claim would even come with a positive for us as we'll have a player confirmed. It's very dangerous and I don't see Cat5 pull off such a gambit, especially not when he indicated not to have time for the game (although that changed). It's almost as if he went for a ''meh, kill me and have a gift'' direction, which is a far more town than scum thing to do. I went after Irish because Irish went ahead with testing the oracle claim. Like you, I don't like lynching town when we can lynch scum, which is my exact same thought right now.
  21. @Jeod as you seemly need to click on a persons name as it appears.
  22. I've already left my report. The second question could be one for the mods. @Jeod Do people know if they're attacked or not?
  23. Oh, and I'll look at some people myself when I get back somewhere tomorrow, so don't you guys dare early hammer. (That and please use all available time.)
  24. Another day another move. And this time, we've managed to check the mob. In any case, my investigation report shows that Inferno is town. Well, I haven't gotten any indication that I was attacked tonight. And well, good to see you going at it again. I think that if we look at the timestamps of the two posts I've quoted, we can probably conclude that he forgot or didn't feel a reason to. In any case, Irish, if you're so inclined, could you come up with a nice chart detailing a person's relationships to one another during this game? Who has talked to who the most and who has ingored the other the most? I think that it will be able to help a lot. In any case, back to having both time off and working my ass off. ?
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