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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. That'll depend on my role of course. (No you won't.) And I actually do believe that I've ben bussed, as my night result PM mentioned something with a bottle of booze.
  2. It was Killing_You. Ended up with you though. My action hit the wrong target.
  3. Well... ass. Also, one of you fuckers decided to bus me around this night. Which one of you low vermin was it?
  4. Well, at least we've cleared that up. (And to be honest, with the Lamenter dead, we'll have a much better chance at winning this game.) Also, Cat5, why did you chose not to unvote shade?
  5. If you were a Blood Raven we'd have the two biggest magpies in the entire galaxy on this ship. (And it would have been hillarious.)
  6. And thus we shall. However, I will have to leave you and the others for now as I prepare myself for an interview that'll start at 10:00 local time. Should the principle be late for the appointment I'll let him know that he's unworthy of serving the Emperor.
  7. Good answer. How do you suggest we take on this planet, Commander?
  8. Ah, yes. Bolters should do the job for a while. Trazyn is notorious for swapping bodies though. You're the commander of this regiment? So you're the one that allowed this situation to happen in the first place?
  9. While I commend you on your positive thinking, Necrons require something slightly more sophisticated. Not saying that your powerful lasrifle can't handle anything, but tough targets sometimes take bigger bangs.
  10. I'd say we keep him around for now. If we feel like shooting him, we can always do so before the end of the day, although I fear that your lasgun won't do much him.
  11. He was a heretic priest that found his allies and then ressurected iLTS to murder everyone and take control of the planet. The results of that event probably adds value to his role as an artifact. We... well I, also possessed an artifact during the previous game (that we never finished), so I'd imagine that if Jeod is speaking the truth, Verti's role or remains are actually an item.
  12. The thing is though, he claims to be town yet also claims to have an objective that is different to town. Unless we all have our own side objectives, it's rather fishy.
  13. If his objective is based on his claimed character's lore, then he'd only be after artifacts or other things of value to add to his collection. Keep in mind that this is the fucker that stole 10.000 year old marines, a Custodes, a geneseed ship, a priceless spear, our hero and saviour Creed and a bunch of other crazy stuff. He's also pretty much the only one that can win outside of his own codex. So him being after the old Verti role (that won the 1st game), would make sense. The thing is: Verti isn't in this game. So either some Heretic is playing as Verti's old role or Verti's old role is in possesion of somebody else.
  14. Trazyn the Infinite. Interesting. I have to admit, he did side with the Imperium during the fall of Cadia, so I don't know. Jeod might be pulling of a gigantic lie or he might be speaking the truth. We'll see.
  15. Is that so? What kind of filthy kind are you then? A selfish prick? A gramatically incompetent cucumber? A blue communist? A zombie robot space Egyptian? Or are you a spacebug? Explain thineself and state your objective.
  16. You better choose your next words very, very carefully. The answer, however, is no.
  17. I'd be up for that. In any case, this poll has served its purpose. It's time to start the preparations for Ausgleich '37.
  18. And that doesn't apply to Ausgleich '37? (currently the most popular option) There are loads of interesting things about that game as well.
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