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Everything posted by TerrorTowers

  1. im sure we can get something hosted in due course
  2. it's good to see you back at the reigns wally (this post originally referenced the "moving on up" blog post where wally announced his return to Reborn) extra one for the con pile W3D runs on anything with more power than a potato, UDK would require investment in a much faster PC/Laptop and in response to the playerbase argument, it don't matter how pretty your game looks, if it plays well and is fun, people will come.
  3. Welcome! let's get a server up > i'm itching to play more MC with all of us like the old days
  4. just dropping my two cents in for 90 FOV, it's what i use for all FPSs and i think a cap of 100 might be worth looking into... First person weapon visuals permitting on the other side, levels in W3D games aren't as tight-knit as quake and UT. which i think really should influence FOV
  5. it's simple: post pictures of the most irresistibly funny stuff (pics/Vids/Memes/GIFs) you have/know of! scroll through other submissions and try not to laugh! smiling and grinning is permitted. if you laugh at a submission, you've lost! fess up when you lose and let others know which post made you lose it! good luck comrades.
  6. "ice, ice, baby" how ya doin'? long time no see come join us on TS some time
  7. hey it's me! you'll have to contact my agent for any and all further questions
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