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Blog #115

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Welcome to the Battle for Dune: War of Assassins blog 115, now that we've made it to the top 100 why not show off some more of what we've been up to!


[h]Cilivian Buildings[/h]


BogdanV has been busy working on some new and very much improved Arrakis Civilian Buildings. These new buildings are based on the ingame designs from Emperor: Battle for Dune along with current day influences.


Here is a screenshot from ingame.



(Click the images to enlarge them)




[h]Ordos APC and Laser Tank Shields[/h]


BogdanV has also been working on our Ordos APC and Laser Tank shields. House Ordos have invested in shield technology for their Armoured Personnel Carriers and Laser Tanks to ensure they last longer.


Here is a demonstration video of how they work.





As you can see, we've pretty much recreated how they looked in Emperor.


[h]Atreides Engineer Rifle[/h]


Venom775 has been hard at work modelling and texturing a new rifle for the Atreides's Engineer. We've based it on the Famas due to the Westwood renders of the House Atreides Light Infantry.


Check out the render!





[h]Shai Hulud, The Worm[/h]


We've saved the best 'till last, our latest team member Methelina has modelled and textured the old man of the desert, Shai Hulud! The Sandworms of Arrakis are the source of the Spice Melange, Worms are also attracted by all rhythmic vibrations.







Watch out for Sandworms on the sands of Arrakis, and make sure you always seek the safety of rock!


[h]Top 100![/h]


Thank you to everyone who has voted for Battle for Dune in the Indie Game of the Year to get us this far, but we need your help once again!



We have reached the top 100, help us get even further by voting for us again!


[h]The Rise of the Second Moon[/h]


That's it for this blog, be sure to keep watching us here, over at facebook and on IndieDB!

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