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Showing most liked content on 05/20/2013 in all areas

  1. If all the APB players sitting on the forums complaining about the lack of players actually joined the server it'd be full... just an observation
  2. EMP-Tanks will come in a later release. The unit with the EMP mines is the Riot Trooper. The Riot Trooper is an awesome unit, at least, that's my opinion.
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  3. Hate to be more disappointment but Juggernauts have been removed for the first public release, They are too borked and we don't feel like hold up a public release to wait on one unit. But it WILL be patched in at a later time. lol, long as i got the titan, ill be happy. Let me put it this way, the titan is probably my favorite vehicle in the entire game right now, it's hard to aim while walking, but that doesn't really matter, as it's a very nice unit. :wink: Unless there will be some sort of major bug in the release version, which is extremely unlikely, there should be no fear of a screw up. The testers are resting from a long week of testing. But in my opinion the game is balanced (save for some small things that are going to get changed in the next internal build). The game is really stable and the game is fun, with nice skirmishes happening all game long. The gameplay definately has its own feel. It's not APB, nor is it Renegade. Sure, it has similarities with both games, but it doesn't feel like either of the two. As for feeling like a Tiberian Sun based FPS, in my opinion, yes, but that's something that's more for you to decide. The only updates we're introducing are things that just have to be done before release. We've decided on a feature freeze some time ago and we're merely finishing what we need to finish. I can't comment on the possibility of having enough space for release day or week, nor about having the server and modding packages ready. That's something for somebody else to answer. The launcher is easy to use and it simply lists the servers it can find. Although I myself do not exactly know how you can get on the server list. Regarding Eric (EA_CIRE), he's been invited to our community event, so he probably will cover the game on the CnC site. :wink: Advertising is already underway, even though you may not have seen any of it yet. As for the massive changes in updates, that's not something that we're aiming for unless we are being forced to. Smaller, more frequent patches released via the launcher is what we're aiming for in order to provide fixes and changes as fast as possible. There are no signs of internal problems, if anything, the team is doing great! Btw, the next time you post, would you please write it without the big bolded parts? I understand that you want to let it stick out so we know what you mean, but it is not needed, nor is the ''do this, I want that'' kind of aproach you used in the post, as the post you use feels a bit hostile. :keke:
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  4. I hope you guys don't screw up the release... Where are the testers? I want them to testify about the state of the game: is it balanced, stable, and FUN enough for a public debut? It would suck to have another APB Gamma where huge amounts of people play for the first few weeks and then gradually leave because the game isn't enjoyable enough. On the upside, you guys don't have an established player base which expects a certain style of gameplay for Reborn unlike with Gamma so you don't have to worry about people leaving because you've changed it too much. How is the gameplay anyways? Is it unique compared to APB? Does it feel right for a Tiberian Sun based FPS? Also, don't add any last minute updates that haven't been tested, like you guys did with that under-the-table Scripts update for APB 2.1 that screwed up the aiming and prevented you from changing your controls. (And please for the sake of the game don't force people to tinker with the Nvidia Control Panel to start it up. I swear I think like half the APB community doesn't know how to fix it, even if they know about the website because the solution is in such an obscure place. Catalyst should really make a news post in the APB launcher about the Nvidia bug in BIG BOLDED LETTERS so people can play again, if they haven’t already uninstalled it). Will the server and modding packages be ready right off the bat? Since there is only one official server even if you guys managed to stir up major hype for the release many people might not be able to play it. I remember during the release of Gamma the main server was full most of the time and sometimes the second was as well. How does the in-launcher server tracker work anyway? I've never seen any unofficial servers listed so I'm assuming it only lists servers that BHP deems proper for inclusion, but couldn't you have it list ALL the servers people are running so that there will always be enough room for players? (If it already does this and people simply aren't running servers than ignore that part). Barring that, can’t you at least get several major partners on board to run servers for the game? Maybe contact EA_CIRE to officially announce it on the Command and Conquer forums? Allow people to get it from Origin? (That last one is kind of terrible, though – but it might allow the game to reach a greater audience than those that know about ModDB). Also mod tools would be nice to allow the community to develop its own maps, etc. though modding isn’t as prevalent these days because of the shift to console gaming. Will there be a significant advertising campaign? I know you guys drummed up quite a bit of hype for Gamma considering how many people played the game at release; can you do it again, and perhaps surpass it? You guys will finish the game just in time for the summer, when yearly hordes of children, teenagers, and young adults are unleashed upon the world and allowed to do whatever they want for the next two months. Time the advertising and release properly and you could have a significant amount of them eagerly anticipating and playing the game and joining the community. They may play poorly and be immature at first but over the years they will get better, and they will keep playing as long as there’s new content through modding and no massive changes in updates. Thankfully, we don’t have any in-game features which would permit them to be especially annoying, such as voice chat, though they might grief. Hopefully the game gets loads of (good) media coverage, and as a result even more players join the game, you guys get interviewed or hired or something and it picks up enough steam to survive the release of Tiberium Genesis. PS: Please don’t have any sort of internal relationship fiasco during the release; I don’t remember any during my time here playing APB since the release of Gamma but I know you’ve had problems in the past.
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