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Showing most liked content on 08/14/2013 in all areas

  1. Fine, no histscan, but they still should be set to 399 m/s. Anything less is too slow. It's a freakin' railgun! It needs to be blisteringly fast.
    1 like
  2. I see what you did there... (1001 in binary is 9 in decimal, for those non-programmer types out there )
    1 like
  3. Because it wasn't a mobile unit in RA2, so it won't be a mobile unit in AR
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  4. Nooooo, my Arties on Field!! :'''-(. I dunno I think it takes a lot of skill and practice to to hit anything with arties from range. I hope they put them back on Field soon it's my favorite map playing as Nod. I think JJ on field balances them out because we have no automatic AA defense.
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