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Showing most liked content on 06/13/2015 in all areas

  1. look at your own risk
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  2. Funny thing is my upload speed is actually decent when you consider that I don't have fiber optic... Just a shame about the download speed Especially given that I'm trying to download all 40Gb of Wolfeinstein The New Order.... 3 days of downloading a'hoy
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  3. I have TWC here in my area, and up until last year I was paying $70 monthly for 30 mbps down/5 mbps up. Since then, TWC rolled out massive upgrades and now I get to have 200 mbps down/20 mbps up at no extra charge. What's good is that the speeds are mostly consistent even during peak hours, sometimes dipping to ~180 mbps download, but I'd say it's a good tradeoff sometimes since the upgrade is completely free.
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