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  1. More or less, yeah... Different opponents and matchups require different ideas. As has been said, everything depends on several variables (the matchup, map, side, etc.). I never really got much into strategizing, as far as what different ones are called, working it out in advance in my head, and so on. I mostly just assess the match and try to adapt on the fly. Sometimes it works great, sometimes not. I have used at some point or another, all the strategies mentioned here. I think the million different ways to win or lose is what makes this genre fun.
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  2. More or less, yeah... Different opponents and matchups require different ideas. When it comes to Generals, my most preferred one is early expansion or booming. Send the first builder out immediately to build an expansion. It's costly and risky early on, but can pay off if nothing goes wrong because I get resources, sight, map control, building space... And deny my opponent all of the above. But it means less money to build early units, and vulnerability to direct rushes... High risk, high profit. I've even done silly stuff like place a barracks right in front of Voe's base. Good times.
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  3. Holy crap Mac, how much time did you spend on that post? ó_o In any case, my general strategy? It depends on the game, the map and the matchup. I can apply just about any strategy that's in the book if I need to. However, I do have a strategy to fall back on, one which suits me best. In this case, I take a very defensive approach to the game where I aim for a late game victory. Keep in mind, I'm not building up a ring of turrets around my base backed up with a huge airforce or anything, I generally only have a few turrets placed in key possitions. I use my ground army as a flexible defensive line, using terrain to my advantage to defeat larger and stronger armies. I'm not only defending though, I do go out to see if I can harras a few collectors or perhaps kill some units or a structure. However, I like to preserve my units as well. (I'm the kind of guy who pulls back a light tank to repair back at the base. When the late game arrives, I should have build up a sizeable economy capable of sustaining my armies as I try to take every inch of ground while ceding none. Powers are generally well used in conjunction with my main armies to give me the upper hand. So yeah, pretty much a case of ''kill him quick''/''destroy him as an effective force quickly'' or die later on. I'm not the traditional turtle you might make up from this, I'm a quite different. If you don't believe me, ask Voe or Naokip.
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  4. And so we continue with tier 2.
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