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  1. No need to be so depressing. The game will see a release at some point, but there's still a lot of work to be done. The project itself in it's unreleased state is way more robust than APB or Reborn because it was built from the ground up rather than on top of Renegade's always.dat file. It should be pretty awesome to play when it's released. Why not release what you have now and go from there? This mod is way overdue. This is big talk considering reborn took a much longer time and it was based on a renegade template. I have played the test version of AR (the version 6 months ago since I am not on the current testing team). Anyways Apocolypse Rising is awesome. It is a fast paced game, with an awesome arcade feel. It has a well done exp/leveling system. The tank leveling system works well, the troop leveling system works splendidly. Not even reborn has a finished tank ranking system. The units are unique and I could play it for hours. The gameplay felt balanced. Yet there were buildings need texture, there were tanks and troops needing textures. There were troops without models and tanks needing modeling. There were code glitches and base defense issues. Therefore yes it would be a fun release, but it would be visually disappointing. And coding glitches would frustrate players. I feel that AR would be a bigger hit than reborn if it is given more time. Disclaimer: this was 6 months ago when I was an APB tester and the above in no way reflects the current build.
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