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Showing most liked content on 11/07/2015 in all areas

  1. About a month ago, I was at work and I received a phone call from an unknown number. Since I have business cards floating around everywhere for my on-the-side computer repair service, I answered the call, expecting someone in need of my services.... Well, it was indeed someone in need of my services but more in the full-time capacity. The central office for a school district 30 minutes south of where I live wanted to do an interview to fill a PC technician position. They cover 5 campuses...which means that I alone would have to service these 5 campuses...all by myself haha. That being said, the lady proceeded to tell me different things about the current situation and why they were in need of someone to fill the position and also that the pay would be good. I of course asked "how good?" Starting out, it will be significantly higher than what I'm currently making and in 6 months if they decide to keep me, it would go up some more. She explained that they really wanted someone that they could convince to stay on for a long period of time and that they would use competitive pay to accomplish that. I have no problem with this I like money, especially the kind that will be used as a tool to keep me interested in working. And this sounds like a really awesome job too, not just because good money. But in all seriousness, I'm super nervous about this thing! I have an interview in 2 hours! I think I'm prepared but nobody really ever knows that until they're sitting there talking to the bigwig do they? Anyway, I'll post back here how it went and then in a few weeks, whether or not I got it! Wish me luck guys!
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  2. I'd like a burger with onion rigns, please.
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