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Showing most liked content on 11/30/2015 in all areas

  1. Its a bird! Its a plane! No...its...its....SANTAAAA!!! And once again, its time to change the forum theme! Well its that time again....time for us all to be victims of the big corporations' propaganda and buy EVERYONE a gift! Its like legalized mind control, some of the ads and commercials out there.... But oh the deals! THE DEALS!! Totally kidding guys, please buy everyone you love a gift and if you have the means to do so, help the poor as well. And while you're at it, change your forum avatar to something involving a fat bearded man or snow or DURRS (thats deer if you don't know jerad2142 very well). Christmas is December's forum avatar theme. But hey, not every country celebrates Christmas! If you do something different in your area of the globe, then by all means let that reflect in your avatar instead! Please make something creative if you have the means to do so, and remember .gifs work too!
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  2. Great idea! I had actually wanted to try this once the holiday months got out of the way. I don't believe anything super special happens in January that warrants a theme so how about we start with that? When everyone is finished discussing whatnot in this thread, post what you want to be on the ballot for next month! Towards the end of December, I'll make a ballot topic in the general discussion area.
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