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Showing most liked content on 02/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Some small changes have been made to the forum that will make it easier to find people! Read more to find out! Hi everyone. You may have noticed some usergroup colours changing around the forum along with some shiny new icons appearing below members in special usergroups. This is part of a small usergroup overhaul that we decided to do recently. Here are a list of the main changes: Colours swapped around on some of the usergroups. New icons for most of the usergroups (more coming soon maybe!). The "Advanced Moderator" group has been renamed to "Staff Moderator". Staff Moderators are Staff members with Moderation Powers on the forum/server etc. Server Moderator and TeamSpeak moderator groups have been made. This should make it easier to find moderators in general. Imperial Age Staff have their own usergroup. A couple of redundant usergroups have been removed. The Rehab group has surfaced. If you misbehave, you may wind up here with no signature and avatar. Beware of Rehab! A few extra post prefixes have been added. Extra bits and bobs to support these will be set up soon! Next on my list is to add more topic prefixes and roll out the system properly across the whole forum. Stay tuned for that one! If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know!
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  3. Let's remake treetop where the battle is played on Pandora (Avatar) and replace ore mining with the planet's resources' collection. And be on huge treetops still.
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  4. Unfortunately, posting extravagant messages of insanity while doing exactly none of the things you mentioned in your post, is exactly the sole thing I know how best to do. But on a serious note, I was happy to make this contribution. I certainly didn't plan on doing it but as these things usually happen with me, I got nostalgic and decided to do it. I've said it before, I'm not a designer by profession, I didn't do anything like this since I left BHP sometime in 2012, but I set my mind on doing this thing and so it happened... Even though it took a little longer than planned. I'll be busy with other priorities for my spare time, something me and my friends have been planning to do even before I started working on Hostile Waters. But who knows, maybe I can come back and do another contribution sometime in April. As long as APB remains active with a player population, I'd be surprised if I didn't come back to make something new for you folks down the line.
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  5. Alright folks, my work on Hostile Waters has officially concluded. It's now up to Pushwall and the team to decide when the map goes live, and if they want to make any changes themselves or not - they are of course free to do so. This map, and the custom buildings, took quite a bit longer to complete than my original estimation (these things happen). I hope you will enjoy the gameplay offered on this map when it finds itself in the standard map rotation. Here is the change log for this version compared to the public test version. Keep in mind that additional changes could be made by the APB team if they so desired. Gameplay - Added crate powerups on the icebergs, using a custom Soviet themed loot table. - Added infantry tunnel on the Refill Pad iceberg, as well as a wall for extra cover, which also provides some protection from the abandoned SAM Sites for Allied Longbows. - Removed the Soviet Schock Trooper from the purchase list, as it had a too easy time wrecking both ships and aircraft alike from the icebergs. - Removed and moved some base defenses on both teams to reduce the stalemate effect in larger player matches, as well as make early infantry rushes a little harder to pull off. - Made the abandoned buildings harder to capture, by raising the amount of Engineer "ammo" required to capture them. (Service Depot/Refill Pad from 30 to 52, Silo's from 30 to 36.) - Slightly raised fog density, to provide better cover for Allied ships attempting to flank the Soviet base. - Made the free start-up Naval Transports spawn as spawners without re-spawn, rather than vehicle presets. - Soviet Sub Pen - Expanded a blocker, preventing newly purchased subs from moving to the sides and being left in areas where they are hard to destroy, while still occupying the production spawn zone. Visuals - Redone the ice effect and textures. - Soviet submarines clipping their camera through the icebergs will no longer be able to see through them. - Separated underwater surface mesh in order to apply Underwater Dirt as material setting, for water splashy footsteps. - Exported the mission accomplished/failed EVA messages with higher volume. - Made cloud layer more dense, and added distant thunder storm. - Corrected map-wide wind audio effects playing at too low volume. - Iceberg ice material type changed to Glass. - Re-textured iceberg rocks. - Allied Naval Yard - Fixed window frames. - Allied Naval Yard - Fixed a few extreme cases of vertex light solve uglyness on the upper platform exterior. - Allied Naval Yard - Added missing edges to the upper area of the interior support beams. - Allied Naval Yard - Fixed interior staircase pointy bits extending higher than the first floor. - Allied Naval Yard - Newly purchased Naval Transports no longer bump into the edge of the platform while falling down. - Soviet Sub Pen - Fixed light bleeding through the SAM platforms. - Soviet Sub Pen - Re-textured barrel props like on the Naval Yard, to remove multi-materials. - Island bases - Re-textured barrel props like on the Naval Yard, to remove multi-materials. - Island bases - Corrected a texture seam in the Allied base. - Added a new loading screen, with a modified background image from Vuxlort. Thanks for your patience while I worked on this map.
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