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Showing most liked content on 05/21/2016 in all areas

  1. Small update: As a mid-term solution to Fjord not being ready for a while, I have decided to delve back into Siege and finish it up. Two hints of what to expect: 1- Two possible victory conditions. A: Base destruction victory condition. B: A to be determined victory condition where the castle plays a primary role. (Unfortunately, Dominion mode had to be excluded due to technical limitations with scoring in a traditional map.) 2- A very heavy air combat focus, as well as the first Delta map to feature both aircraft and Missile Silo's (worry not, the bases will be designed with it in mind).
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  2. I think we'd want to avoid setups like that to prevent player score data issues. There is also consistency concerns with something like that, and not to mention balance concerns. Designing a level with those things would be opening several cans of worms with very negligible payoff. The wish you have can be broken down to a basic request; The request of more unit and map variation. This can be achieved with other means (see Hostile Waters).
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