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Showing most liked content on 05/22/2016 in all areas

  1. I know I said I'd provide a preview of Siege this weekend, unfortunately there is a technical issue with my version of the development tools which means this will have to be postponed until next week, when hopefully this will be resolved (essentially my tools are out of date and I need the latest ones, but this is problematic at the present). For now, I'll provide a Max shot of the current raw layout of the level. Note that for image clarity, I have hidden the foliage (trees, grass, etc.). If you inspect the base layouts you will notice vulnerabilities. The land routes are well defended from ground attacks but offer no anti-air support. The air power resupply regions of both bases on the other hand, have anti-air support defenses but no protection from ground based attacks. Finally, the rear of each base has practically no defenses altogether. This setup will encourage defenders to "fill the gap" of their defenses themselves, as well as provide clear attack opportunities for the enemy team. The bases are very spread out, this is primarily to minimize the damage a single A-Bomb flare can do. I was comfortable enough keeping the base buildings this spread, since Delta added infantry sprinting. Do note that I've only started working on reviving this map this weekend, and you can expect significant changes still (especially in and around the castle, to support the secondary objective). Three more bits; - The Allies will have access to the Chinook. - Neutral castle cannons on the castle walls will be able to deal significant damage to base buildings. Once destroyed, these cannons leave behind indestructible debris that can be repaired, to restore the cannon. - The Mobile A. A. Gun might make a return in time for Siege to be released. These will be found in limited supply around the castle, they will not respawn, but they can be powerful defensive perks for your team, should you escort them back to your base in safety.
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