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  1. Hence "reliably" instead of "ever".
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  2. Just to remind you, Voe lost the ''Earthgov'' team the game because he thought that the Marines were his enemies. He never read his role pm which stated that the Marines were his allies. Hmm, that is quite interesting. Willing to elaborate on that? Mafia doublepost EDIT: To clarify, the ''Earthgov'' game I was refering to was Death Space 2.
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  3. Only on the few maps that it appeared on. Which were DM maps. There's a reason the devs back then had them removed from actual maps, and that's that it was not balanced. I know, it's crazy, CJ actually made good choices on rare occasions. Exactly. Remember that one of the main priorities of Delta was making it so that infantry that aren't shock/kov are actually worth using in the field instead of just being funny things to look at for the 5 seconds between your vehicle dying and you dying. Instant unpreventable death to something you had no hope of seeing or countering puts a big hamper on that. Again, that's the idea. But given that they take 0.3 seconds to travel their full range and you can't really see them until they're within about 50m of you anyway, it's not exactly easy to see an enemy's tracers. Better that it takes like a dozen shots to pinpoint a sniper's location than ten minutes of searching for the guy himself. Not sure that adding a glaring weakness to 2 vehicles that are already very limited in their use (Supply Trucks after the first 3 minutes and Rangers on almost every map), and adding the same glaring weakness to the V2 but not the Allied artillery that lacks a visible driver, is the right way to go about improving the sniper's use. And I'm pretty sure it's not possible to make the visible drivers take damage anyway. I wanted it to be able to damage MCTs and light vehicles but only if it was within a certain range. Say, a little longer than the range of a tesla tank. But that's also not possible as far as I can tell without giving the sniper a whole different rifle for mid-range engagements, like an SKS for Soviet and Gewehr for Allied (and who's gonna model/texture those?) or just castrating its range (and then it's not a sniper anymore). Noted; will take a look at that. I'm not sure how higher the projectile velocity can go before the game just says no (and at a too high point it'll basically be hitscan and impossible to see the projectile again, which is bad) but I'll give this a look too.
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