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Showing most liked content on 11/16/2016 in all areas

  1. People ingame ask about Metro all the time and I tell them why not all the time so I might as well have a forum post about it now so everyone knows: it's not likely to happen any time soon. The original Metro is WELL below the visual quality standards set by Delta - probably the ugliest official map even back in its heyday - and buildings are much harder to spice up than terrain, getting it up to standards would be a massive time-sink and I don't really have the 3ds max skill for that either. Frankly I'd prefer a full remake based on the "Allies roll through Moscow" RA cutscene, as that is obviously much more appropriate for the APB setting than old Metro which looks like 1990s Los Angeles or something, but that's also a big time-sink. Whatever the improvements, I would love to see Metro or a city map but people need to understand that making convincing buildings is not as easy as making convincing terrain.
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