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Showing most liked content on 01/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Fun fact for those who forgotten about it; The original Mobile AA Gun vehicle (not the current re-rig) was a neutral capturable vehicle (3 of them) in Siege's 2008 QA iteration. For this reason I toyed with the Soviet counterpart, a Mobile SAM Launcher, in the Siege development thread. I axed the Mobile SAM Launcher but if a desire for it exists I can certainly finish the model/rigging/presets, then Pushwall would have two anti-air vehicles to throw into various maps, which is a little more worthwhile than generic Supply Trucks. Edit: Referring to this 30 minute duct-tape job. If given more time, I could do a lot more with it of course. Edit2: FYI there is actually already a vehicle hidden somewhere in Siege, I figured I'd drop that hint now since nobody figured that one out yet... And some people kept telling me players find all secrets in less than 24 hours, hah!
  2. Have you put this up in other places ? Such as the forums at SWR , CNCNZ , Project Perfect Mod , Revora , cncnet and perhaps the forms for openra . These are all of the main forums that I can think of that discuss C&C things so if your looking for help these would be where you should ask for it . Here are their addresses : http://forums.swr-productions.com/ http://forums.cncnz.com/ http://www.ppmforums.com/index.php https://forums.revora.net/ https://forums.cncnet.org/ http://www.sleipnirstuff.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=80 There was another project like this a year or two ago , I'll see if I can find some info on it . EDIT : Found it ! OpenSage : https://github.com/feliwir/openSage You may want to look up the two people who contributed to it they may be interested in helping . Feliwir : https://github.com/feliwir? Tarcontar : https://github.com/Tarcontar
  3. I've just pushed the beginings of a Zero Hour reimplementation project to https://github.com/T...blyArmada/Thyme if anyone is interested in contributing to such a project. The project is using a similar approach to the one recently used successfully by the OpenRCT2 project. That is, the reimplementation is initially being implemented as a dll that is injected into the game run time that replaces the games functions with new implementations as they are written, allowing it to be reimplemented a bit at a time. I've already reimplemented the custom memory allocator the game uses as well as a couple of string classes. Its very early days for the project, but if anyone has some C++ knowledge and is interested in getting involved, drop by the #thyme channel on freenode.net IRC. When some significant progress has been made it should become possible to fix engine bugs and add additional features to the game.
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  4. Happy new year, folks! I'm back and working on something bigger this time, the GDI Titan. Modeling is nearly done. Afterwards I need to cut it into printable parts. Stay tuned! cheers, Kalle
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  5. In real life, guns tend to sound more "bland", but in games they're given unique firing sounds to make them more distinguishable, I guess. I don't have much gun knowledge either, but here I gave the silenced Beretta a more metallic sound, rather than the quirky "pew" often heard in movies. Nice sounds! My only recommendation would be giving them a bit more 'crack' and echo. Now, with regards to blandness and uniqueness, gunshots are a very dynamic audio experience and video game sounds never truly do them justice either way (movies are often this way too). I've got several rifles (including an SKS which fires the same round as an AK-47) and any mid- to large-caliber weapon will pretty much sound like an explosion when fired in real life (especially in echo-prone areas like the forest), and the shots can usually be heard from several kilometers away lol. They're very loud and there tends to be a lot of echo, along with a loud 'crack' as the bullet breaks the sound barrier during acceleration (subsonic ammo, used in suppressed weapons, avoids this). Needless to say, your ears will be ringing like crazy after the first couple shots. BTW you can get guns just fine in Europe, you just need to go through your country's licensing process.
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  6. And it's 'Tot or tod' so either you or Totd is on the wrong path. Except it's a combination of both. Mine is pretty easy actually. After having various nicks at the start of my first lans I got stuck with Call of Duty 4 around it's release. Well... if you didn't change your name it was Soldier. After calling me N.Soldier and having a german flag in my name for a bit of time I got the random thought (well... N.Soldier with a german flag... Nazisoldier...) So I swapped the dot and an o and NoSoldier was born. Just kidding. I love to go on a rampage in a Technician/Ore Truck combination and thus I'm not a regular NoSoldier.
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  7. Gotta have my ï½ã€€ï½… s t h e t i c s But seriously, thank you Kaskins for this!
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