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Showing most liked content on 03/30/2017 in all areas

  1. [thumb]thumb_apb.h.png[/thumb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update GENERAL Reverted some netcode changes that may have been responsible for all the recent crashes. Please let us know if they keep happening! Reenabled hitbeeps, and they no longer trigger on damage-over-time effects. INFANTRY Clearing Charge explosion no longer deals distance-based damage and no longer gets blocked by terrain - any mines in their 10m blast radius are dead, no questions asked. They are also more effective at clearing multiple hedgehogs as a result. VEHICLES Added zoom cameras for Tesla Tank and Phase Tank. Tesla Tanks now reveal Phase Tanks on radar within 75m (which is the max distance of the radar anyway). Like with the Engineer's mine detector, other Soviets can see the Phase's radar marker. AI Tesla Tanks also emulate this by being the only bot unit that can detect stealth. Demolition Truck explosion damage to infantry down from 160 to 105. Supply Trucks/LSTs now only take 5 seconds to refill occupants' ammo. AT Mine damage reduced from 356.25/475 (Ore Trucks/everything else) to 250/150/200 (Light vehicles/Ore Trucks/everything else). However, they now instantly deplete all armour of the affected vehicles, so the damage of the first mine you trigger is a lot higher than that if you're using a big tank - best to never get hit by a mine at all, especially if there are enemies nearby! AESTHETICS New Hind sounds by @OWA. Aircraft rotors should now spin down at a rate appropriate for their sound. Blood effects for rocket/shell direct hits on infantry are a little easier to notice. MAPS RA_CamosCanyon_Bots Bots are now using an experimental version of Moonsense's AI that attempts to mimic player behaviour more. Here's how they've changed They have names now! They get money from dumps/silos, and will use it to actually purchase units instead of spawning as those units for free. Sometimes they attempt to attack in groups, and won't all charge down the same attack route. They can attack buildings now. This was doable before but wasn't worth the effort of implementing before since with the old AI they rarely got close to those buildings anyway - now they do! RA_Siege Added VIS. Changed saturation of objective messages to be more readable. RA_StormyValley Partisans are now using the updated AI that was introduced to every other bot in This isn't all though. There will be more coming on April 1st. But I won't say any more than that... [blurb]Some changes are reverted, and some added aesthetics. More to come on April 1st, but we can't say any more on that...[/blurb]
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