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Showing most liked content on 04/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Maybe, just maybe, someone will find this useful. Just run the exe and minimize it. It will show the popup if more players joined the server since the last update, you can also click the icon to display the current status. Right click it and select close to keel it. https://w3dhub.com/forum/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=27768
  2. [blurb]Be sure to check out the latest development update for Red Alert: A Path Beyond. Featuring many changes to infantry, vehicles, aesthetics and maps![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update INFANTRY TOZ secondary fire spray angle down from 7.5 to 6. RPG-7 damage up to 90 again, reload time up from 2.5 to 2.8 (DPS change is negligible, but the extra damage means it kills LTs in one less shot from the side, so it's a little more viable against early LT rush) Grenade damage to all buildings up ~4% (0.3375 -> 0.35) VEHICLES Light Tank reload time up from 1.1666 to 1.2 seconds (DPS down ~3%) Light Tank max speed down from 14.17 to 13.99m/s (-1.3%) Medium/Mammoth Tank muzzle velocity down from 250 to 200m/s (same as Light/Heavy) Artillery projectile damage down from 240 to 225. Artillery reload time down from 5.25 to 4.875 seconds (DPS change negligible for direct hits, up ~7.5% when only splashing) Artillery turret can no longer pivot 1 degree to either side, as this feature complicated aiming without a way to fix the pivot in place. Artillery barrel tilts 50% faster. V2 projectile extension adjusted from 3m long and 0.25m wide/tall, to just 0.01m long but 0.5m wide/tall. While this makes less sense for the big long rocket that it is, this should solve the issue where it sometimes falls through the ground, but the extra width/height should still keep it competitive when it comes to directly hitting things. V2 launch platform tilts 50% slower. Hind "tight" fire (primary) spray angle reduced from 1.25 to 1; should be more reliable against Longbows or other fast small-profile vehicles. Longbow and Hind have their side cameras replaced with an underside camera. Should be particularly helpful for helping the Hind hit ground units. Gunboat depth charge splash radius up from 22.5 to 30. Gunboat/Attack Sub damage to all buildings up by ~4% (0.12 -> 0.125) Mobile AA Gun splash damage down from 37.5 to 30. AESTHETICS Shock Trooper and Tesla Tank have updated reload sounds which are a combination of the previous RA/Gamma "charge" sound and the Beta "electric" sound. These updated reload sounds have exactly the same duration as the reload time so they should help with attack timing. Ditched a stock Ren death sound that sounded more like someone having a stomach upset, and replaced it with Tiberian Dawn's fire-death sound. Raap's new crate has better shading. Stuttering when loading should be reduced. Hind uses a smaller tracer. Hind no longer "lies" about its ammo capacity; it's now halved to 50/350 and so is its ammo consumption (1 ammo per shot instead of 2). This has absolutely no effect on its gameplay; it only *looks* different, and the purpose of it is to fix an issue the old system caused with a damage calculator. Artillery smoke trail is thicker. Fixed missing "Building..." EVA voice when purchasing vehicles. MAPS RA_RiverRaid Filled in a hole in the blockers for the blocked route behind the Allied WF. RA_Siege The secret has been removed. THIS MAY NOT BE PERMANENT - this is a test of whether the secret's script-zone overload is responsible for a lot of the slowdown or not! If the map's still unplayable near the end of a match, the secret may return. Adjusted fog thickness from 200/600 to 300/450; fog being less gradual may help as well. Removed the map-wide "anti sight-cheesing" meshes that no longer serve any purpose with the secret gone; this should also help? Like in most other maps, the trees on the map boundaries have been reduced in quality and merged into a smaller group of meshes, which should also help with performance. RA_LunarParadox Boss infantry now have Engineer resistances (splash damage halved, including from suicide units, and can't be burned). Very Panicked Technician health up from 10 to 25. Very Panicked Technician can now drive vehicles and collect crates. Uber Technician is no longer squishable. Airsub reload time down from 2 to 1.5 seconds. Lunar Longbow fire rate up from 0.5 to 0.8 per second. Tesla Glober reload time down from 2 to 1.5 seconds. Brain Jammer reload time down from 5 to 3 seconds. Brain Jammer/Tesla Glober should be much harder to flip. Brain Jammer's turret rotates 200% faster. Ransikmobile was not lulzy enough so it is replaced with the Flour Tank. What does it do? Well, it fills the same role as before, but there's another effect it has that I'll let you discover for yourself. If you were part of the testing team for Delta back when we were under BHP, you may remember it as a secondary fire that was under consideration for the Artillery. VTOL Yak no longer uses mouse steering. VTOL Yak health up from 300 to 350. Mine Bomber health/armour up from 400 to 500. Guided V2 health up from 75 to 150. Guided V2 charge time up from 0.5 to 1 second. Guided V2 price up from 350 to 700. Guided V2/Suicide Medic explosion damage down from 1250 to 1000. Added shifted sound for the Chrono Dust Blower. This only has a 12.5m radius, so only you will be able to hear it unless you opt to drive directly through an enemy. Added start/stop sounds for Yak. Fixed missing killstrings for Guided V2 and infantry bosses.
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  3. Loudspeaker version of renegade radio command "get in the vehicle!"
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