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Showing most liked content on 07/17/2017 in all areas

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  2. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update [blurb]In which the "old style" Grenadier is given a new lease on life, mid-tier infantry eat their Wheaties, and the Medic is cut down to size AGAIN[/blurb] Infantry Health All non-Volkov infantry take slightly more damage from direct rocket/tank shell hits (0.3 -> 0.333) Health of most infantry has been increased across the board, the main exceptions being free infantry and ones that already have 100+ health: Flamethrower and Spy are up to 60. Thief is up to 80, but no longer has armour. All 60-health infantry are up to 70. All 75-health infantry are up to 80, except the Sniper who is up to 90. I'm sure this will be seen as fairly controversial so I'll give you my reasonings ahead of time so you don't need to ask first. Engineer Golden Wrench power down by 12.5% (except when capturing) Flamethrower Death explosion now hurts health of other flamethrowers. Mechanic No longer automatically heals armour of occupied vehicles. Officers M60/PKM damage multiplier to building exteriors down (0.15 -> 0.1), DPS -33.33% M60/PKM damage multiplier to no-MCT buildings up (0.1875 -> 0.2), DPS +6.67% M60/PKM damage multiplier to heavy vehicles adjusted (0.4/0.4 health/armour -> 0.45/0.3), DPS -10%. M60/PKM damage multiplier to mammoth vehicles adjusted (0.275/0.275 -> 0.3/0.2), DPS -12.7%. However in both cases they handle heavily damaged (no armour - heavily into combat or tripped an AT mine) vehicles better. Rifle Soldiers, Medic (weapons share same warheads) MP5 rate of fire down (15 -> 12.5). DPS to infantry -9.1%. AK-47 secondary rate of fire down (10 -> 9) AK-47 secondary inaccuracy down (3.75 -> 2.75) M16 Trishot ROF up (1.5 -> 2) "Spray" damage penalty (used by AK-47 secondary and MP5) to hard targets reduced (-16% -> -10%). For AK-47 this changes nothing; for MP5 this means its DPS to hard targets is only -2.6%. M16/AK-47/MP5 damage multiplier to MCTs up (0.18 -> 0.1875). DPS +4.17% for M16/AK-47, +1.5% for MP5. Rocket Soldiers Soviet one is no longer called the "Grenadier"; he's back to being an RPG Trooper and having a Makarov as a sidearm. Shotgunners Remington slug damage vs vehicles is now always the same as dragonsbreath damage. TOZ flechette damage vs vehicles is now always 50% higher than dragonsbreath damage. (Previously these both had different anti-armour settings to dragonsbreath.) Remington/TOZ dragonsbreath damage multiplier to light/air vehicles adjusted (0.5/0.375 -> 0.6/0.3), DPS -6.7% to all the armoured ones, but +20% to Supply/Demo Trucks. Remington/TOZ dragonsbreath damage multiplier to heavy vehicles adjusted (0.375/0.25 -> 0.4/0.2), DPS -11.1%. However in both cases they handle heavily damaged (no armour - heavily into combat or tripped an AT mine) vehicles better. Remington/TOZ dragonsbreath damage multiplier to mammoth vehicles lowered (0.25/0.15 -> 0.25/0.125), DPS -11.1%. Spy Fixed bug where radio commands were showing up in the wrong colour. Grenadier Retooled into a budget anti-tank/anti-building-exterior/anti-infantry splash unit, available to both sides and does not require a Barracks. Against vehicles, its damage varies. Against light vehicles, its damage is similar to the Flamethrower, but against heavier vehicles it's a little better and against mammoth vehicles it's a LOT better, but still nowhere near the power of proper anti-tank units (2 grens take a little longer to kill an ore truck than 1 RS does, but it takes 4 flamethrowers to kill it in that much time). It's a much stronger anti-tank unit than the Captain but also riskier. Against building exteriors, its DPS is slightly better than a Flamethrower, though it has no MCT bonus (not that it's safe to try using it against most MCTs anyway). This is its main area of expertise, and while the RS does it better due to more damage, range and survivability, the Grenadier does it cheaper and defends itself better against infantry. Against infantry, its damage potential is the same as the "RPGrenadier"'s frag grenades, except now it's available in infinite supply. This is a little worse than the flamethrower in DPS and lacks the flamer's perks of afterburn damage, cover penetration, safe CQC use and an easy arc, but is still worlds better at splashing than the LAW/RPG are. Its low price of 150 credits and high movement speed give it a place at the start of the match and during desperate times if your money is low or you lack a WF and need to move fast. Before the overhaul that turned the Grenadier into an "artillery infantry", Soviets didn't really have much of a reason to buy them because Flamethrowers cost barely more than them. Should be a bit of a different case now that there's a 300 credit gap between the two units, and buying a Flamethrower before the first dump pretty much prevents you from buying ANY vehicles for a while, whereas a Gren lets you buy some vehicles and if you cause enough havoc you can even afford a HT. Range is not as ridiculous as before; it can only throw as far as a Shock Trooper can shoot. So it can't outrange base defenses, rifles/captains/flamers, or any vehicle. As a result it should also be easier to detect. Its main downside is a lack of armour - this renders it very vulnerable to splash damage, both its own and that of enemy tanks. This means that smart positioning is very important when dealing with enemy tanks and artillery since you can't just eat up splash damage like an RS can, trying to use them as a CQC splasher like the Flamethrower is not recommended as you'll be hurting yourself more than you hurt them, and Medics can't solve either of these problems with their armour cache. It also lacks a sidearm, so it MUST maintain some distance from infantry in order to hurt them safely. Vehicles Light Tank No longer has strongpoints/weakpoints, putting it in line with other light vehicles. Minelayer Adjusted suspension a bit, shouldn't get stuck on Refill Pads anymore. AP mines actually kill medics now. Ranger Damage multiplier to building exteriors down (0.15 -> 0.125), DPS -16.67% Damage multiplier to no-MCT buildings up (0.1875 -> 0.2), DPS +6.67% Damage multiplier to heavy vehicles adjusted (0.4/0.4 -> 0.45/0.3375), DPS -10% (see Officers) Damage multiplier to mammoth vehicles adjusted (0.275/0.275 -> 0.3/0.225), DPS -12.7% Tesla Tank Damage up (210 -> 240). DPS +14.3%. Can now kill Longbows in two shots! Damage multiplier to buildings down (0.2 -> 0.18), DPS only +2.9% Damage multiplier to stealth vehicles down (1.5 -. 1.375), DPS only +4.7% Aesthetics Added ambient sounds for MCT/new computers in base buildings. Buildings Power Plant Fixed some fences that did not have collision. Fixed a bug that was causing players' weapons to aim strangely when indoors. Ore stuff Molten ore warhead changed from SplashFire to Fire, so it can actually hurt flamethrower infantry again. Silo now has a vehicle blocker on top so helis can't touch its molten ore and get perma-damaged. War Factory Old props no longer overlap with new ones in certain Soviet interior layouts. Maps On all air maps, C4 will now disappear when placed at very high parts of Tesla Coils, Gap Generators and Ore Silos (or floating near said parts, so no C4-Longbow foolishness). RA_Bonsai Removed Allies' WF turret. RA_GuardDuty Raised some of the blockers around the hills. Most of the dirt roads are now bifurcated ala RA/various other maps. Shrunk a couple of trees that were frequent Yak suicide spots. RA_Metro Soviet service depot is more accessible from the Barracks/War Factory sides. Soviet service depot has a miniature concrete wall between it and the bridge, short enough that repairing tanks can shoot at enemies on the bridge, but tall enough that it's very difficult for Allied tanks on the bridge to line up a shot against the SD itself, and impossible for caps/rifles without breaking the wall, making it harder to destroy the SD. Unfortunately, this makes it less accessible from the front, but from what I've seen the Soviet SD rarely survives long enough for Soviets to even use it, so what difference does it make? Removed barricades in front of the Soviet Barracks; their existence was vestigial thing from the Beta version - albeit updated with a more modern appearance - but they really just get in the way of Minelayers. Exposed Allied truck-side silo a bit more. RA_Pipeline Sandstorm particles are 50% smaller. Fixed missing texture on spare pump parts. RA_RidgeRacer Hopefully fixed the map timer (should be 5 minutes) RA_Zama Fixed out of bounds zone not counting as a no-beacon zone.
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