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  1. I appreciate the trouble shooting suggestions. One of the issues was the install wiped the old files and there were no files to remove. It somehow halted or froze during installation because I have 4 Laptops and 4 Towers on a network and this installed fine on 3 other laptops so I figured I would copy over the missing files on my network. But oddly it said I didn't have permissions or the file was open. Well I know I had permission and the key word "open" here told me the PC is still trying to install even though it wasn't in my task manager to force close. So I rebooted, updated windows, renamed the old folder and installed a fresh install and we are back. No clue why it halted but solved here. Thanks for the reply. Edit: Oh Hi DanP! That could have been the issue. Thanks hope all is well with you and thanks again for all you do m8.
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  2. Make sure the launcher itself isn't running whilst the update is installing. You can click retry once you've closed any other instances of the launcher
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  3. Are you letting the installer run as admin? Like many things, it will need that to be able to install itself to program files because of how modern windows security works. And the launcher itself will need to run as admin as well for the same purpose - installing the games. If you are already running as admin, then there are a couple things it could be. I'm not an expert or anything, but I've seen positive results by clearing out the launcher's storage locations. C:\ProgramData\W3D Hub\ -> This is where the launcher puts files to update the games, dependencies, and its own update files. C:\Users\YOU\AppData\local\ -> This is where the login info is cached or something, probably won't help anything in this case, but I've been wrong before. Try these and post back if anything changes. Thanks.
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