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Showing most liked content on 01/12/2019 in all areas

  1. While digging through some of Blazea58's old assets I stumbled across a 3D model for the San Casina Speedway, which I've decided to add! Additions: • Added the San Casina Speedway which has a racing system similar to the Race Track that already existed. • Added the Enhanced Pump Jack perk which doubles how long pump jacks operate before breaking down. Bug fixes/Improvements: • Pump jack payouts have been doubled and the Hard Worker Perk now applies to them. • Fixed the exploration system, you now get money for discovering Santa’s workshop as well as the San Casina Speedway • Made a performance improvement in how vehicle PTs work. Originally the PTs had kill zones that existed at all times on the map, now they only exist when a vehicle is purchased from the PT. This brings the script zone count for San Casina down from 1104 to 905, a performance improvement was noticed on my personal laptop and hopefully will carry over equally well to the server! • The wander distance around Santa’s workshop has been increased. • Added new ambient sounds and placed them on the old Race Track as well as Hell Island. • Relocated some of the hidden PTs. [blurb]While digging through some of Blazea58's old assets Jerad2142 stumbled across a 3D model for the San Casina Speedway, which he's decided to add![/blurb]
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