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Showing most liked content on 02/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Today is February 26! And you know what that means! Today we celebrate the anniversary of C&C Renegade, the game that started it all for us. Check out the tribute video made by Havoc89 and the Renegade X team![blurb]February 26! Today we celebrate the anniversary of Command and Conquer Renegade, the game that started it all for us. Come check out the tribute video made by the Renegade X team![/blurb] [thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png[/thumb]
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  3. Sometimes the servers may go down briefly for maintenance, or otherwise unexpectedly for some reason. Unless it is something serious, we don't typically announce it. The APB server will stay up 99% of the time. The Reborn server on the other hand crashes quite often, and we restart it when we notice that it is down.
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