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  1. Seems we had a bit of a break since the last TSR update. Someone may or may not have went on vacation without notifying the others. Whoops. Anyway, a small update of things happening. This post will have our high-res GDI mechs, a few more kill icons, and what to look forward to in the coming week. High-Res GDI Mechs Our GDI mechs have received the high-res treatment, especially the Mammoth Mk. II. What perhaps may have been an oversight for quite some time, we have changed the colour of its texture to more closely match the other GDI vehicles. More on the Mammoth Mk. II at the end of this post. "I'm a Mechanical Man" "GDI Mechs 2030" More Kill Icons Pushwall has lent a hand to ChopBam and OWA and provided more icons for use in our kill feed. In fact, I think we have all the icons we need and are finished! I believe we are still reviewing the full list for visibility, though otherwise we are completely set. Mammoth Mk. II Coming up next week, we have some big news to reveal of the Mammoth Mk. II. OWA has been putting in work to realize the full potential of this beast, and we have reached the end. Next week's update will have all the details on this. For now, I leave you with this. Do not be alarmed if you notice the towering monstrosity aiming its railguns at you. It's just testing its new weapons system. See you next Thursday![blurb]A small update of things happening. This post will have our high-res GDI mechs, a few more kill icons, and what to look forward to in the coming week.[/blurb]
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  2. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update General Raised all non-Volcano maps' flight ceilings to 100m (helis) and 150m (planes) to match Volcano. Fixed projectiles spawning behind the turrets of certain units if your camera was nudging another unit while you fired. Fixed projectiles with enlarged hitboxes clipping through solid objects if fired right next to them. Mostly this means no more worries about depth charges going through subs at point blank range, as hardly anything has been using this logic due to how broken it was; it might get reintroduced for more things at a later date. Fixed burst-fire logic; mashing the fire button doesn't eliminate the cooldown between bursts anymore, so now we'll actually start using burst-fire logic on some weapons again! Fixed tracking weapons not displaying a lock-on indicator against units that were between 80-100% of your maximum range. (This will also stop MiGs from arbitrarily locking onto parts of boats that you aren't aiming at.) Fixed bots having wide turning circles in certain vehicles, which would often get them stuck in forests. Fixed issue that was causing players to get kicked by the anti-cheat if they joined the server while the post-match scoreboard was up. Stealth effect for mines is less of a burden on performance. If you load a map before the server does, and end up with a temporary black screen in the process, you will now see "Gameplay is pending / please wait" in the middle of the screen as a reminder that you should just wait. (This is a vanilla renegade feature but it got broken by HUD changes in APB Gamma) Infantry Weapon ready time (after coming out of a sprint) and weapon switch time (swapping between different weapons) have been decoupled so we can now set them separately. For reference, originally the ready/switch times were 1.5 seconds for Volkov's handcannons, 1 second for tools, and 0.5 seconds for all other weapons. Ready times are mostly unchanged from before, the only exception being that Volkov's handcannons now take 0.5 seconds to ready just like other weapons. Switch times have been cranked up though, mostly lining up with the weapons' first person animations. It now takes 1 second to switch to a pistol/grenade/tool, 3 seconds to switch to a rocket launcher, and 2 seconds to switch to any other weapon, including switching between Volkov's handcannons. For the most part this is just flavour, as most classes only have one weapon (excluding tools) so they're either never switching at all or only switching while they aren't in combat. All it really changes is Rockets/RPGs, Medics and Volkovs - Rockets/RPGs in combined arms maps where they have to switch between their AT/AA launcher (so no more doubleshots), Volkovs have a tradeoff where they're now better at coming out of sprint but worse at changing to their other cannon on the fly, and Medics take longer to return to their gun after healing but have slightly better healing. Fixed infantry weapons displaying their muzzle flash when you switch to first-person view. C4 Countdown display is no longer affected by area lighting. Countdown now correctly displays the timer in seconds instead of minutes. Countdown is now also visible on the screen of the C4 itself. Takes 1 extra second to explode. Rifle Soldier M16 secondary fire is now an actual 3-round burst with each shot fired separately, instead of firing the 3 rounds instantly like a shotgun. Unlike the Gamma variant of this, rapidly mashing the mouse will not increase its fire rate, and unlike the "shotgun" iteration it won't refuse to fire if you try to use it with only 1 or 2 rounds left in the magazine. Both basic rifles' secondary fires are now perfectly accurate when standing, instead of merely having 1/3 as much inaccuracy as the full-auto fire. Officers Firing while crouch-strafing now has the same level of accuracy as crouching, instead of having accuracy about halfway between crouching and standing. Flamethrower Fixed surface flame/smoke plume lasting longer than the sound effect. Firestream has 80% less particles and their size does not blossom as much near the end of their life cycle, so it inflicts much less framerate damage. Fixed firestream particles not lining up with where the actual projectiles were going if you fired while strafing. It'll actually be feasible to lead your target now. Projectiles now have generous hitboxes; they're 0.25m wide, though they still have no height or length. Their width makes it MUCH easier to achieve direct hits, so even with the following debuffs, the weapon should be much better than before at handling infantry: Now bursts its entire magazine in one click. Range down (90 -> 75m). Projectile velocity down (100 -> 75m/s). Direct damage to infantry down (40 -> 25). Splash damage down (30 -> 15). Medic Takes 50% more damage from fire-based weapons (Flamethrower and Flame Tower). Removed the 1-second charge time from the Medic Kit and added it to the cooldown instead, as the increased swap times add enough delay. Increased heal duration from 5 to 6 seconds. Engineer Removed the 1-second charge time from the Shovel and added it to the cooldown instead. Vehicles Various anti-tank vehicles Splash damage against infantry increased slightly, about 10-20%. (For the Mammoth this only applies to the cannons) Artillery/V2 Splash radius increased about 10%. Phase Tank Now fires in 2-round bursts, firing 2 rockets in 0.125 seconds and then having an 0.5 second cooldown between bursts, instead of having a constant 0.3125 seconds between each rocket (so its DPS is unchanged). Cruiser Can no longer be occupied by both teams at the same time. Rear gun's traverse limit has been reverted back to 135 degrees, so that its shots don't hit the cruiser itself now that projectile hitboxes actually work properly. To compensate, the main gun's traverse limit has been increased from 150 to 157.5 degrees. Submarines The "view of the sky is blocked while submerged" feature has been reinstated as it no longer covers the map in big black bubbles of doom. Now it'll be harder to spot enemy units from afar while submerged. While submerged, enemies will not be able to see your target box if they happen to mouse over you, making you harder to spot at a glance. Hind Now fires in a 5-round burst; unlike the Phase/M16 there is no downtime between its bursts so its behaviour is basically the same as before for standard use, it just looks/sounds less silly when you tap fire. MiG Now uses burst-fire logic for its double rocket firing, so it will always fire both rockets; previously it would fail to do so under rare circumstances. Tweaked physics; actually added roll stabilization and raised aileron damping so it levels out more by itself, so you should be less likely to clip the runway with a wing when landing. Buildings Turret No longer fails to detect enemy units if its barrel is clipped into a wall. Now tries to hit infantry with splash damage just like Flame Towers do, instead of hitting their faces with death. Flame Tower No longer has a ridiculous amount of trouble hitting swimming infantry. Maps Hostile Waters To compensate for Allies having a basic boat that can hit ground targets and Soviets not having that, and also an air unit that doesn't kill the pilot when it dies, Soviets now have a flame tower behind their airfield (with very limited coverage, but it's something) and Allies no longer have a turret on the NY. Allied Pillbox is moved to be a bit more between the SD and NY, so it provides less coverage against frontal landings into the CY/MS but still protects against incursions into the NY. SAM sites on this map have 175m range instead of 150m to further discourage using longbows as easymodo transports. North by Northwest Fixed holes in the map near the Soviet base. [blurb]Reinforcements have arrived. And by reinforcements I mean long-awaited bugfixes.[/blurb][thumb]thumb_apb.g.png[/thumb]
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